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About RDogg

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    United Kingdom

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    I'm RDogg, a lifelong avid gamer from the UK.
  1. RDogg

    how u call the AKM/SKS ammo ?

    Depends on what you have. If I have an AKM, call it AKM ammo. Good simple concept! :P
  2. RDogg

    how u call the AKM/SKS ammo ?

    AKM Ammo. SKS Ammo.
  3. Say what you want. Lets be honest, half the community didn't read and instead got bored of the mod and invested in the next big shiny new game, then started bitching about when it wasn't so shiny. Should of gone specsavers maybe..
  4. Yeah, its bad. But again, there is a reason why the patch versions begin with '0'. Rocket should of followed the same template as Planetary Annihilation. Price the game at £70 so only those that are geuinly interested in helping develop this game will invest.
  5. Bororm hit the nail on the head. Lets not just jump to conclusions .. Again, and start slamming the Dev's for adding masks. Funny, people still not grasping this whole concept, the game isn't even out of Alpha, let alone in Beta yet half of you still expect everything to work and be finished. SMH.
  6. Same as above. New city for me feels 100% optimised and is smooth as anywhere else. I run all high or very high settings. And to actually answer the question. Why not? Do you want miles upon miles of fields and trees?
  7. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    I'm going to summarise here. Choppers will be in the game. Regardless. If it's the way I'd like it, then they be very hard to find, parts will be hard to find, and they will be difficult to maintain. Do not come at me with the realism argument because DayZ isn't realistic. People know everything in Chernarus. Let's go by that logic. They won't be overpowered. The ammo is going to be hard to find/very rare. Given the lack of said ammo, there won't be any coastal raids gunning down unarmed players like the Mod. For those of you who can not understand this concept. Some of us enjoy reward. If we feel having lots of gear and a car is not as rewarding as spending hours and hours, just like anything in DayZ, finding and repairing a helicopter, then there is nothing wrong with that. Reward and longevity are the main aspects of this game. And also, these are not going to be gunships. A Huey would have x2 M240's or M60's. You would need to find 7.62 100rd/200rd boxes for these. Ammo would be scare. We ain't going to be sitting on a military stockpile.
  8. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    There was nothing that can be done about the one in the DayZ Mod. It's a mod of ArmA II, and so the objects, vehicles, etc.. Come from ArmA II. They used the same repair and refuel system as ArmA II. It wasn't overpowered, it's just nothing could/can be done about it. Yeah they could of removed them (Some servers did) but a lot of people never complained. I'm not sure how something can be overpowered when the ammo for it is rare/very rare? Which someone is now going to reply "Oh well why bother then". Again, reward. If people want more than sitting on their backsides, building a base, and hunting a cow or two, I don't see nothing wrong with that.
  9. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    You're point is utterly flawed. Because like seriously, by your logic (Off-topic or not..) each and every single survivor in Chernarus can use any form of weaponry with ease, can repair vehicles with ease, have a lot of medical knowledge, are experts in surviving and hunting, and are also topped up partial military like tactics when it comes to firefight. Off-topic or whatever, but the whole ultra-realism argument is becoming seriously flawed.
  10. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    And once again... By that logic everyone is a medical expect in DayZ? I guess we should scrap the current system that is easy for everyone to use and make it ultra-realistic. Broken legs? Enjoy not playing DayZ for a few months, better make sure that heals.
  11. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Well once again by that logic every survivor has to find manuals on how to repair/maintain cars or helicopters. If you took four survivors, and one of them had those skills on repairing cars, I'm pretty sure they would have a very basic idea of how a helicopter worked inside. We ain't building space rockets here. Exactly. Most of you are missing the main point here. It's not about giving people a helicopter so they can go cause havoc over the map. . Helicopters would be very rare. . Parts would be hard to find. . Hard to maintain. . Ammo would be scarce. But you know what? For those that get bored of settling for hunting animals and meeting people, it gives them that something extra, that longevity. REWARD. Again just to make my point... REWARD. Some people play this game for reward.
  12. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Same subject really. I mean, engineering, maintenance, etc.. Guessing every survivor in Chernarus learnt those skills overnight.
  13. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Looks like there is some people flying around in a helicopter.. Guess The Walking Dead was one big sham. You don't see it for very long (As it crashes) but obviously the helicopter is being flown before the episode, given Rick is in a coma for a year or so? I see where everyone is coming from but the exact same argument can be made for the DayZ mod. And I don't remember people ever being so negative towards choppers on that, maybe because it was the only real end game? Suddenly a new engine, a new improved game and oh.. Better get rid of those helicopters. I'm guessing you haven't played DayZ then? Because by your logic everyone is a expert in all forms of weaponry and a master survivalist. Oh, there goes that realism again..
  14. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Some of the points being made are, and no offense, a little ridiculous. Talk of specific fuel for helicopters? In reality yes, but this isn't reality and so things can be bent to fit the mold so to speak. I'm not saying let's make it unrealistic. Just like we find random weapons lying around in barns, shops, and houses everywhere. Surely all the weapons should be found at military bases? Again, DayZ SA wasn't made to be ultra-realistic. And I still feel like you are missing the point. You don't add choppers, people get gear, they get a car.. Let the 'Rolling round the map killing people senseless' games begin. Add a chopper, you give people an objective, a difficult one of that. You give people something to be responsible for. Something which when you have it running and you are maintaining it well, you get a real sense of reward. But.. I guess people herding cars and gear and not going out to find their end game and not getting involved in the game works.
  15. RDogg

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    This is Chernarus. A post-soviet state that relies a lot on agriculture. Ain't no New York or London.