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Everything posted by Mow

  1. Mow

    Dedicated Server Host

    I can second that. Had a server with them for a couple of months. If price isn't the first thing you're looking for, I recommend LeaseWeb. I've had servers with them for 5 years, and overall they are the best host I've been with. Good connectivity, friendly support and they use quality hardware - Never had a server with any hardware defects. Wide range of server packages to pick between, or you can custom build a server with them.
  2. Mow

    How To Install Server (Host Wants To Know)

    Didn't you get the proper information in the welcome mail from DayZ? I had no issues getting the DayZ server running on the dedi following this guide.
  3. Mow

    Server ping 2500

    Have you opened the correct ports in the firewall? http://support.dayzm...ayarticle&id=11 I created a rule called "Gamespy" that allows (arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com) through the firewall. I also added the correct .exe files to the exception list for the firewall (Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Allow a Program of Feature through windows firewall > Allow another program) As far as I remember, that's all I did before the server ping started working on my server.
  4. Mow

    Server ping 2500

    I had this issue too. I think it was enabling ICMP responses that worked for me. http://dpotter.net/technical/2010/02/enable-ping-on-windows-server-2008-2/
  5. Mow

    Server Hosting quick FAQ

    If I understand correctly, the correct way to contact them right now is through the Contact the team link - Be sure to send it to "Server Hosting Inquiry". I haven't gotten a response through that page myself yet tho. Probably hundreds of inquiries coming in every day.
  6. +1. Even a few good free ones. We've been using osTicket (www.osticket.com) with great success in my community.
  7. I'm wondering about the same thing. Sent my first mail on June 11, then resent it to the alternative mail a few days later, and I haven't heard anything yet. Appreciate your work Pallidum & co:-)