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About rosska85

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. It's the base building that I'm using that's causing the kick sadly. We use that line to toggle 'gates' (concrete walls).
  2. Hey man, any chance you could point me in the right direction for this please? I'm setting up new filters for something and I keep getting kicked for a public variable restriction. This is the line in my log #25 "remExFP" = [,<NULL-object>,"per","hideObject",true]So to the line 5 "remExFP" I've tried adding this, but it still keeps kicking me. !"\"remExFP\" = [,<NULL-object>,\"per\",\"hideObject\",true]"
  3. rosska85 - Hotfix Changes.

    Please, tell me how you fixed those? I sent in a bug report about that issue and I still haven't been able to get it fixed so my server can't run version yet because it causes problems for our base building script. Been banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out.
  4. I guess I shouldn't have tried figuring it out last night when I was sleep deprived haha.
  5. Yes, this is what comes up in my scripts.log Normally I'm pretty good at setting up exceptions, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of this one. #90 "Manatee_Highway_7_Bridge = _this;_this = createMarker ["Wasteland", [4421.6313, 8189.4146, -5.3405762e-005]];_this setMarker"Edit: I feel like a complete idiot. Just seconds after posting I noticed the '5 wasteland' filter on line 93. I've added this to it and it seems to have stopped the kicks. !"_this = createMarker [\"Wasteland\", [4421.6313, 8189.4146, -5.3405762e-005]];"Though the kicks didn't happen every time, so I'm still not 100% sure on that filter haha.
  6. Ah, ok that makes sense I guess. Problem now is that some of the scripts I'm running need exceptions to filters that no longer exist but I still get kicked for them... Not sure how to go about sorting those.
  7. Hey, sorry if this is a noobish question. But can I simply replace my existing BE filters with the files from the github? Or do I have to merge the two? The reason I'm confused is because the new scripts.txt on Git is tiny by comparison to my current one and it looks like most filters are set to 1 instead of 5 so I'm not sure that's very safe. :S