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About jjeez

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  1. Yeah, this is now a legit issue. Sadly its pointless to get gear other than what you can hold on your person until they fix it.
  2. jjeez

    Im a bandit....

    for the sake of honesty, i do have plenty of murders (nearly all self defense). I have been playing since nearly the beginning and i do NOT hesitate to kill to preserve my own life. I rarely help others with guns, typically just noobs so i dont get shot.
  3. I was running along the beach outside cherno, saw a noob with no gear, running with 4 zombies in tow. He was bleeding badly. I caught up and killed the zombies, he tried to run from me but he passed out. I bandaged him, blood bagged and left. I have done this a few times in similar situations. I have also stopped with my motorcycle, quad or truck and driven people out of town when someone was shooting at them or they were hoarded. yet, somehow i am a bandit...
  4. running the same version on the server, our vehicles do not do that though...just the heli and it seems to go back to the same spot...
  5. So we have this heli on a server that restarts twice a day. i have 2 copies of the game with 2 characters, we logged back in and our chopper was gone. I logged in with my other guy and its back at the original spawn point...this has happened 4 times in 2 days.....any idea why or how it can be fixed? is this just a glitch?
  6. So 4 of us are standing around fixing up a few vehicles and someone with an as50 comes running up, we ALL shot him many times. I alone emptied 1 mag into him, he killed all but one of us, he took over 30 rounds combined.... Is there a hack or something for invincibility? lame....
  7. jjeez

    Bandit skin forever?

    I really havent been all that bad.. :(
  8. do you have to do so many good things or something to lose the bandit skins?
  9. looking fro a few more player for our group, we are not a clan, we are a group of friends that have been playing games for years. We are looking for player over 21 to just play in our group. hit me up on steam... jjeezb
  10. I am getting the same thing...
  11. Ughh first person is so weird in this game. I feel like i am 3 ft tall when standing in first person.
  12. Did this change? It seems that now when you fire a gun in town you can get nearly infinite respawns? I shot 3 in a barn and over 30 more came until i stopped firing and ran out of town, i have never seen so many in one town? just kept spawning outside the barn door and running in.
  13. jjeez

    The Problems With Tents

    I cannot pitch a tent either...