Kimzer (DayZ)
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Everything posted by Kimzer (DayZ)
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Introducing Higly Customized DayZ Epoch & DayZ Overpoch Servers! Hosted by: Server's IP Adresses: DN | A2 Epoch | Chernarus - IP: DN | A2 Overpoch | Chernarus - IP: DN | A2 Overpoch | Lingor - IP: DN | A3 Overpoch | Chernarus - IP: All servers runs Single Currency Gold Coins!! Overpoch wich is regular Epoch with all the extra goodies from Overwatch requires additional launch parameteres to join. Simply paste the following under additional launch parameters in dayzcommander/sixlauncher and join as you would any other server. Launch paramateres for Overpoch: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; Launch parameters for Overpoch Lingor: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@dayzlingor; We also have a free to use, non-passworded teamspeak 3 server. Any groups wanting their own channel will get so by simply asking a mod in the channel. TS3: ts.dayznorway.com Join our servers by adding us to your favorites or simply filter for DN in the browserlist. We also have a serverlist on our own website and regulary update changelogs unique to our servers. Below follows a list of the custom features unique to our servers. Epoch & Overpoch Specific: Custom anti-hack since 2013 Server side revamped and improved for optimal performance Server backups every 10 minutes Variety of custom admin tools to help players and monitor potential rule breakers Extensive security and logging of admins to ensure there is no admin abuse Change door and safe codes easily Take clothes from dead players and AI Build a variety of vehicles, just right click your toolbox Blood bag yourself, or in more dire situations, you can eat it Kill yourself with any secondary weapon, as long as you have 1 bullet Open/close the armoured SUV gunner hatch Smoke the hookah at traders Teabag dead players Loot unconcious players Loot dead players' wallets Gold coin currency Online banking at safes Retina Scanner for doormanagement. Custom vehicle textures. Custom vehicle paint script. Custom humanity board. Custom killboard. Plot pole and building ownership stays forever, even after death Changing clothes automatically drops your backpack and removes grass (if you are on grass) Many rewritten epochmod scripts to ensure best performance for the client and server Building only takes one step Locked vehicles don't take damage near plot poles AI spawn with wallet cash from 0-2000 coins Random AI events like weapon and building supply drops Revamped WAI missions, low performance impact server-side, admin controllable Revamped snap PRO, much faster and optimized Revamped R3F tow & lift system Custom buy/sell GUI for items that allows you to select quantity to buy/sell, very fast and easy! -- Buying/selling things like weapons/vehicles is also instant! Custom kill messages with pictures! Custom AI camps around the map with military barracks and more Custom player tags, you can see players names by looking at them if they are within 15m of you Custom spawn selection Custom respawn system that allows you to quickly respawn without having to return the lobby Custom HUD, old icons removed, new revamped icons added Custom plot pole menu where you can manage friends, linked to the same !addfriend !delfriend commands Custom buildings and landmarks added at most cities Custom safezones with parking lots and landing pads Custom safezone protection with vehicle and player protections Custom loot table with higher military drops Custom friend system that allows you to track friends with a GPS Custom private message system that allows you to send private messages to others in-game. Custom chat command system, just type !help in-game! !help, !pm, !re, !ts3, !rules, !intro, !music, !online, !friends, !addfriend, !delfriend, !grouptags, !viewdistance, !nograss, and 9 other animation commands! Bikes that are unused for 1 day get automatically deleted Vehicles that are unused for 7 days get automatically deleted Bases that are unmaintained for 14 days get automatically deleted Empty storage (safe/lockbox/tent) that are unaccessed for 14 days get deleted. Safes that are unaccessed (nothing removed/added) for 14 days get their codes reset to 0000 Safes that are unaccessed (nothing removed/added) for 16 days get automatically deleted -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :D -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! :D -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DayzNorway - A2/A3 - Epoch/Overpoch - Admins wanted!
Kimzer (DayZ) posted a topic in Server Owners and Admins
Hey guys! My name is Kim, im the owner/founder of DayZNorway.com A while back we had one of the larger servers around, peaked at something around 10th place on gametracker for a long while. We are trying to get back into those numbers, but it seems harder to do than before. But we are sure that we can do it once more. In preparation of that we are looking for a few guys/girls who have somewhat experience in being a mod/admin on Epoch/Overpoch. We are running 4 servers at the moment, the list is as follows: A2 Epoch Chernarus A2 Overpoch Chernarus A2 Overpoch Lingor A3 Overpoch (Still in dev stage, but runs, most likely finished by this weekend, unless 0.3 is released) We are looking for 6 people who want to contribute. First of all as mods with the option to rise in ranks to admins if prooven trustworthy. The servers are quite unique, the A2 servers all run coin currency with a boatload of other scripts. But we can get into details to those who are interested. The main responsability will be for you (if interested) ingame mod/admin duties and responding to teamspeak requests. Tasks vary, but for the most part it is helping players out with ingame issues and questions on the website. You will be given a private staff room in our teamspeak, and also be given the needed permissions to access staff channels. You will be given mod status on our website to be able to moderate forums and access staff forums, server logs and our in house ban tool. You will be given level 2 permissions ingame, wich will grant you access to our ingame tools. Somewhat restricted untill you proove trustworthy enough to get level 3. I will ofc be available for any questions but i do see that you are able to take descicions on your own. For bigger matters ill step in. We can get into more details later on. Now for the requirements for applying, if you dont qualify for the few below, there wont be much point in applying unfortunately. Requirements: Age: MINIMUM 16 years of age but have to be mature. (Dont want any unserious children with ingame powers) Country: Not really important, but EU based is preferred. Language: You should speak English at minimum but If only Norwegian that is fine as i and the other admins are from Norway. Earlier experience: Would be a big plus if you had any experience in being a mod/admin in any DayZ communities or have hosted servers before. Game: Speaks for itself. But you do need to have DayZ Epoch, Overwatch and Lingor installed. Format your application by following the below template and send me an email to [email protected] Tell us a little about yourself: Type your message here... How old are you: Type your message here... Spoken languages: Type your message here... What experience do you have moderating a community?: Type your message here... Why do you think we should let you become part of our staff?: Type your message here... How long have you been playing DayZ mod?: Type your message here... Do you have skype and teamspeak?: Type your message here... -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Updated: 19/05/15 All Servers Specific: Fixed:Fixed backpacks duping when selling/buying to vehicle. Fixed:Fixed an issue where respawning would log your player in twice and cause gear loss/lag/etc. Fixed:Fixed track vehicle with radio not working. Fixed:Fixed remote unlock/lock not working. Fixed:Fixed consume blood bag not removing blood bag. Fixed:Fixed an exploit where you could deposit money while selling items. Fixed:Fixed player not bleeding after a skin change. Fixed:Fixed building parts shifting when building over/on the water. Added:You can now change skin without removing your backpack. Added:ALL missions with crates now have the possibility to spawn weapons, building supplies, and more! Added:AS50/MAAWS/M107/SCARS/KSVK/VSS/RPG now have a chance to spawn in crates after 20 players online instead of 30. Added:Mission crates should now give better loot. Added:Missions were set to start 5-15 mins after one finished, time is now 1-5 minutes. Added:New respawn system. Added:New GUI for all our menus. Added:Added Jackal GMG and Jackal 50 cal to the Military armed vehicles category for Bandit and Hero traders. Added:Jet sell prices raised. Added:All Jets now spawn with 6 DSHKM mags. Added:Regular sell prices are 30% of buy price. Added:Hero sell prices are 50% of buy price. Added:Changed ALL armed vehicle prices. Added:Added M107 + ammo to black market dealer. Added:Added AS50 + ammo to black market dealer. http://i.imgur.com/4BiPC87.png http://i.imgur.com/RjXDjNr.png http://i.imgur.com/UgKmYCt.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lqnfbe6cc80jcwk/2015-05-05_06-26-52.png -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily Bump :) -
DayzNorway - A2/A3 - Epoch/Overpoch - Admins wanted!
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Server Owners and Admins
Daily bump! :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! :) -
DayzNorway - A2/A3 - Epoch/Overpoch - Admins wanted!
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Server Owners and Admins
Daily bump :) -
DayzNorway - A2/A3 - Epoch/Overpoch - Admins wanted!
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Server Owners and Admins
Still looking for a few more candidates :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Updated: 24/03/15 All Servers Specific: Added: New Tow&Lift system, no more towing trains, works the same just better. Added: AI Loot scales based on player count. Added: Amount of items in crate is scaled based on player count. Added: Amount of cash found on AI is scaled on amount of players attempting a mission (more players near mission, more money on AI bodies). Added: At 15+ player count, crates have 70% chance (per each item) to spawn: 50oz briefcases, cinderblocks, metal floors, metal panels, cinder walls, combo locks, and hot wire kits. Added: At 20+ player count, crates have 40% chance (per each item) to spawn: 100oz briefcases, 2000RND m134, 150RND DSHKM, 48RND MK19, 29RND AGS30. Added: At 30+ player count, crates have 20% chance to spawn: Maaws, m107, All MK 17 variants, KSVK, LRR, M110 NVG, CSS vintorez, RPG18, and the AS50. Added: AI cleanup will now wait for players to leave the objective. Added: New hero missions added. Added: Changed AI difficulty. Added: Amount of AI at missions is scaled based on player count. Added: Ability to cancel packing deployed vehicles by moving. Added: Punishment for talking over side is now more severe than before. Added: You can now unlock/lock vehicles within 100M by right clicking it's key. Added: Friends will now get "x removed you from their friendlist" whenever you delete them. Fixed: Minor error when unlocking doors with retina scan. Fixed: Fixed issue where loot would not spawn for some players. Fixed: Fixed an issue with group tags when friends were in vehicles with non-friends, or in the passenger seat but not the driver seat, etc. Fixed: Fixed misc friendlist issues. Fixed: Fixed not being able to use flares after respawning. Fixed: Fixed (may still occur if you change/modify a safe 10min prior to restart) issues with safes wiping after code changes. Fixed: Self bloodbag wasn't reseting sound. Fixed: Self bloodbag in vehicle was causing you to "stand" in vehicles. Fixed: When deleting someone, it should also remove you from their friendlist. -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Bumparonics! -
Adding players to custom loadout lists when server is running?
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to reeceythelegend's topic in Server Owners and Admins
Unless you have some DB based version of custom loadouts thats a no go unfortunately. Wouldnt really matter either as i believe the server has to be restarted to load the new entries from the db aswell. (not quite sure though) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Added: 3 New AI protected locations. With loot boxes for those who prevail.Added: Maintenance tax. And heightened maintenance costs. Added: Website: Killboard.Added: Website: Updated restart times for each server.Added: Website: Updated Cleanup routines to specify what happens when on the servers.Addeed: New bandit trader on Lingor.Addeed: Black market trader on Lingor.Fixed: Toggle plot pole arrows. Visual guidance to see where the plot pole range is.Fixed: Maintenance should now work as normal. Remember to maintain your stuff. Decay is 10 days!Fixed: Marker errors. Minor stuff. -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump :) -
DN | DayZ Community - Epoch - Overpoch | Gold Coins & Banks | Respawn Menu |
Kimzer (DayZ) replied to Kimzer (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Daily bump! :)