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Kimzer (DayZ)

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About Kimzer (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Updated: 19/05/15 All Servers Specific: Fixed:Fixed backpacks duping when selling/buying to vehicle. Fixed:Fixed an issue where respawning would log your player in twice and cause gear loss/lag/etc. Fixed:Fixed track vehicle with radio not working. Fixed:Fixed remote unlock/lock not working. Fixed:Fixed consume blood bag not removing blood bag. Fixed:Fixed an exploit where you could deposit money while selling items. Fixed:Fixed player not bleeding after a skin change. Fixed:Fixed building parts shifting when building over/on the water. Added:You can now change skin without removing your backpack. Added:ALL missions with crates now have the possibility to spawn weapons, building supplies, and more! Added:AS50/MAAWS/M107/SCARS/KSVK/VSS/RPG now have a chance to spawn in crates after 20 players online instead of 30. Added:Mission crates should now give better loot. Added:Missions were set to start 5-15 mins after one finished, time is now 1-5 minutes. Added:New respawn system. Added:New GUI for all our menus. Added:Added Jackal GMG and Jackal 50 cal to the Military armed vehicles category for Bandit and Hero traders. Added:Jet sell prices raised. Added:All Jets now spawn with 6 DSHKM mags. Added:Regular sell prices are 30% of buy price. Added:Hero sell prices are 50% of buy price. Added:Changed ALL armed vehicle prices. Added:Added M107 + ammo to black market dealer. Added:Added AS50 + ammo to black market dealer. http://i.imgur.com/4BiPC87.png http://i.imgur.com/RjXDjNr.png http://i.imgur.com/UgKmYCt.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lqnfbe6cc80jcwk/2015-05-05_06-26-52.png
  2. Kimzer (DayZ)

    DayzNorway - A2/A3 - Epoch/Overpoch - Admins wanted!

    Still looking for a few more candidates :)