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About BoggleTits

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  1. Vanilla server UK410 still gets around 25 people at its peak. Me and my group have gone back to the mod from the standalone.
  2. BoggleTits

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    ???. Way to assume moron. I actually want to make my server 1st person only, no crosshairs, a private community for friends and any other 'expert' options I can. But I can't, I can't do anything. And to the other poster: I've paid £20 for an alpha game, why is it my job to supliment the servers too on top of that? How many servers have you paid for to 'support the community'? Servers you wouldn't even be able to play on if they were full despite paying a lot of £££.
  3. BoggleTits

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    When the devs allow zero options for server control then it is up to them. Why would someone pay £30 a month to host a server when all they can do is rename it and restart it? No choice of settings, and if your own server is full you can't even do anything to join it. It is literally a waste of money.
  4. BoggleTits

    New Server - Hardcore

    Not yet! I'm having problems with the FTP files at the moment. Once I can edit them, we will activate 1st person. I haven't been able to check if it's possible at this early juncture, but the server itself is up and running at the moment at least! But rest assured; as soon as the server allows, it will have all the 'expert' mode bits turned on.
  5. BoggleTits

    Who's Eventually Starting a Server?

    Me and my team have just purchased one here; The plan is once we figure out how the hell to edit the CFG and run it, to make it 'expert' mode: 1st person only/no nametags/no waypoints etc etc. Anyone who has experience with this and wants to help, please PM me!
  6. BoggleTits

    New Server - Hardcore

    Also we all (except one of us who wont be on until late tonight) have zero experience of running a DayZ server. If anyone wants to give me a quick run down of how to do things it would be very appreciated! Gameservers has a command panel but that's it, I don't think I can edit the actual settings on there.
  7. BoggleTits

    New Server - Hardcore

    This literally just went live, and I won't have time to mess about with it until I get home in an hour so. But..... DayZ (Public/Veteran) 113734 - The Moneyshot Sessions - Hosted by GameServers.com
  8. BoggleTits

    New Server - Hardcore

    Will have one by the end of the day. I ordered it with gameservers.com this morning - will post all the details as soon as they give me them (they said it would take an hour!).
  9. BoggleTits

    New Server - Hardcore

    Server Details: 36 Players DayZ Standalone [] (The Moneyshot Sessions) Hey All, Me and my friends who were pretty active on the original DayZ have just invested in a 36 person server hosted in the NL for the Standalone. We plan on running it through a community so that everyone has a say. We all prefer the realism side to DayZ so want to try and get a good player base going as soon as possible. Once I get the IP address I will post it on here. Provisionally we are looking at making it 1st Person Only and with a lot of the other more 'hardcore' settings (I haven't had a look at the admin console yet. If anyone's interested in playing with us, post in here. We will probably be looking for active mod's too. Boggle
  10. BoggleTits

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Can you get rid of hiding bodies? Instead give the option of 'dragging' them. So there is actually a risk to hiding a body and isn't some simple click of a button and boom, body gone. At worst at least make people have to have an etool to hide a body. I've always found it to be such a silly gaming mechanic in its current form, totally unrealistic and very easy to change/remove.
  11. BoggleTits

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    UK410. Good server, I've played on there for months (maybe even a year now). It went dead for a while but is picking up again with 20+ players on frequently. TRUFFLE PIG.
  12. BoggleTits

    Favorite server gone!

    Look for a server called awkack.org Basically has everything you're after (slightly more vehicles and buildings) and a few other tweaks but not overkill. Although it hasn't been hugely busy recently, there was normally 20+ people on at peak times
  13. BoggleTits

    Looking for a new server, Vanilla + Private Hive

    Just posted this on other thread too: Try the awkack.org DayZ Server. Whitelisted, private hive, and as vanilla as it gets. All they have done is added a few more cars (nothing excessive, they are still quite rare to find), and about 3 more buildings on the map. Also there are some cool changes (you can shoot from the passenger seat of a bus/truck) and lowered the spawn rate of things like DMR's and Ghillies. Also there are no waypoints unless you have a GPS. Not completely vanilla, but the changes they have made improve the game and make it more 'realistic' and vanilla in a way, rather than 8,000.000 new guns and starting rocket launchers.
  14. BoggleTits

    Admin Abuse - UK352 - Public Hive

    Munkie!! Its empty these days and all you admins have buggered off to play BF4. Don't think I can't see you in the team speak ;) Please tell the lovely Dayz Admins that I am a reputable character!
  15. BoggleTits

    new played looking for servers.

    Try the awkack.org DayZ Server. Whitelisted, private hive, and as vanilla as it gets. All they have done is added a few more cars (nothing excessive, they are still quite rare to find), and about 3 more buildings on the map. Also there are some cool changes (you can shoot from the passenger seat of a bus/truck) and lowered the spawn rate of things like DMR's and Ghillies. Also there are no waypoints unless you have a GPS. No completely vanilla, but the changes they have made improve the game and make it more 'realistic' and vanilla in a way, rather than 8,000.000 new guns and starting rocket launchers.