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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I would like to be able to play with the mod's sounds/music in the background, when i first started playing the mod as a newbie that kept on edge even more when trying to sneak through elektro or cherno. I could just open it in youtube and listen to it, but it would feel more atmospheric if it was apart of the game again, for me anyway.
  2. If you enjoy 1PP play on a 1PP server, if you enjoy 3PP play on a 3PP server.
  3. Definitely support text global chat, i think the players or admins should have the option of disabling it, but i like the idea of being alone but knowing that there is stuff going on all over the map. but i don't give a rat's hat about immersion. plez don't hate
  4. Agreed, The only reason I even play dayz is because I have rl friends I hang out with ingame and in teamspeak. and everyday i come on the forums I see someone suggesting something just for the sake of "immersion" or "realism" to make it more difficult if not impossible to just chill and have fun with friends after working all day. I mean seriously it is still just a game
  5. Your signature speaks the truth
  6. no... please.. just no.
  7. soapy33@live.com

    Unconscious timer

    This isnt real life. it is a video game
  8. Anyone who says the current sway is to easy, or realistic never touched a firearm in their life, let alone fire one.
  9. I feel the same way, but a big part of if for me is my best memories are pitched battles or epic helicopter duels, granted people will say I should go back to COD or BF4 because I don't care about super realism/Immersed when in a video game I play for fun. But getting a kill in a firefight, or getting a helicopter working to go on a rampage, or even just setting up a camp loading with gear feels so much more accomplishing when in a zombie apocalypse where everything and everyone wants you dead, and a constant threat of losing all you hard worked gear. Plus I was also hoping for the mod 2.0 with better optimization and that the standalone would try too hold too its simpler DayZ mod roots. I don't have a problem with hardcore/immersion theme for the standalone, other then its just not fun for me in its current state. and the mod is so overrun with epoch and 100000 vehicles other crazy stuff, Dayz just is not the same anymore either way :( So for me in the I got: Standalone = to hard to have fun because of the super realism/immersion theme the game is taking Old DayZ mod = the perfect balance of realism/fun gameplay Newer DayZ mod = realism thrown out the window to the point where its not even fun.
  10. Forgive me for being disrespectful, but some people take games waaay to serious, and should get a real life outside of DayZ.
  11. I 100% agree, one thing I always liked about DayZ is very little back story/lore, you are just there. also +1 for StG44!
  12. I for one miss the NE airfield, in the mod I spent most of my time there(for sniping purposes). But there's really no reason to go there with only two buildings having loot spawns.
  13. IMHO I don't think making all buildings enterable was to bad of a feature, but adding all the new towns and making the map bigger was probably one of the biggest waste of resources the dev team had to offer.
  14. soapy33@live.com

    crossbow bolts

    A homade wooden crossbow bolt could be very unsafe, not impossiple, but on modern crossbows there is a good chance the bolt would shatter into splinters. It would be cool if we could craft them and have chance for them to shatter and cause some harm to the user or a loud noise giving your loacation.
  15. My biggest fears are: Zombies being no threat. Servers restarting/emptying when night time comes...
  16. Before I started recording I logged into teamspeak and DayZ and after about 30 minutes I pretended to go AFK and changed my DayZ name, caught up with my clanmates and followed them around playing the same sound over direct chat
  17. Hey everyone, these are my first episodes of my new DayZ mod series, and fairly new to recording and video editing so they are not very professional, but I'm hoping to make each video better then the previous video, I'm also open to any feedback/advice. So hope you enjoy! Please note, the second episode is longer but its also way better. The third episode is finally uploaded. The forth episode is here! Finally, the fifth episode is uploaded.
  18. Thanks, I'm still debating on how I want to feature my DayZ mod videos, I dont know if a unedited "Me surviving" or a edited gameplay highlights is better, I might to a series of both later on. But the third episode will be out soon, two days at the most.
  19. no you will have to get a motherboard that supports a intel cpu, yours is a amd board.
  20. A couple days ago I found one in a barracks, but i dropped it because I was pressed for space at the time and didn't have a FNX45, if I knew how rare it was I probably wouldn't have dropped it... but congrats on your find.
  21. I already have a FX-8320 I plan on overclocking but I can't decide on a motherboard too buy either Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0 AM3+ Motherboard or a more expensive Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 AM3+ Motherboard I have a somewhat flexible budget I just want too know is the sabertooth worth the extra money?, I'm also open too any suggestions on another mobo.
  22. I already got $100 set aside for a Cooler Master Seidon 240M liquid cooler. I'll probably go for the M5A99X, I have friend that has the same board and he is quite happy with it
  23. I remember me and my friend killing some players with SAS tag on a server called torchwood a couple months ago, any idea if its the same clan? Edit: it was a vanila dayz server