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About mslick87@googlemail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mslick87@googlemail.com

    UK 87 Mischief

    Uk 87 is my server and I have not even been able to play on it. It restarts at 12pm and 12 am that the only times that I have setup for the restart I dont cheat when I get chance to play.
  2. mslick87@googlemail.com

    Super Dedicated Server Sale In LA!

    I got Ones of these server for this price, I wouldn,t know what I would do If i missed it. I have got to say what a great server it is and set up fast and such great support when I needed it. I would recommend this company to my best friend and family. Great job guys keep up the work.
  3. mslick87@googlemail.com

    Super Dedicated Server Sale In LA!

    They are all public servers connected to the hive. Yes, Vilayer is a whitelisted company with dayz.
  4. mslick87@googlemail.com

    **Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER

    OMG! What a great offer for a great host. Thank you very much for my server it is perfect thank you.
  5. mslick87@googlemail.com

    2 Hackers on UK 87 server get pwned

    Well as I brought the server so it is up to me to ban if I think they maybe chance of them hacking and after looking at the vid I made the choice to ban them. Reason is with all the hackers around at the moment I am not taking any risks, I just want to make it so people can play on the server with out any problems from hackers anyone seeing this don't have to ban the people but I have. So no need to say anymore on this post. Thank you for posting.
  6. mslick87@googlemail.com

    2 Hackers on UK 87 server get pwned

    Hi mate thank you for the heads up I have found and they will not join server again Taffy : 49265ab72e22f77d3f81e5d705780a27 : guid Popus Hoffan : 922faae32d38bfbe038ccee64f9a6738 : guid Thank you guys :)
  7. mslick87@googlemail.com

    **Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER

    Been with this host for over a week now and I got to say best I have ever been with 10 out of 10 I have been with a lot of hosts for different servers and I got to say these are very good prices and everything so smooth and stable. I with tell anyone that wants a server to go with these. Good job Keep up the great work. Cheers Ian
  8. mslick87@googlemail.com

    Looking to rent a UK/EU server

    yeah vilayer :)