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Everything posted by sgt.charles

  1. currently looking for experienced players of dayz vannila ( mainly) and other mods. recruiting for HaVoc clan, please leave your skype and steam info below MUST HAVE MIC MUST HAVE TEAM SPEAK MUST BE 16 PLUS skype steam: friskydingo456
  2. CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR HaVoC clan : a small but growing gaming community in alliance with the smokin' aces gaming community/ clan WE NEED : Mature players from ages 16 + [] players who have teamspeak 3 and skype [] players with experience in surviving the harsh times that dayz can bring upon you WE ARE : all about dayz vannila and open to more mods [] having fun and playing dayz to the best that we can [] cooperative and competative gaming leader: skype@joeyohara1 co leader: skype@friskydingo456 please contact us so that we may fullfill your recruitment in the clan ! thank you!
  3. HaVoK gaming is a DayZ community in alliance with Smoking Aces. We mainly play dayZ vanilla but are open to try new mods there are only a few requirement to get in. - Must have a mic - Must have TS - Must be 16 and up, with a little exception if we find you mature - must have a month at least under your belt in dayZ We can provide a teamspeak if you are interested fill out this application in the comments and we will accept or deny you Name: age: Location: Hero or Bandit: how long have you played DaYZ: what are your specialties: Speak english: anything you want to add?: please skype me at : friskydingo456 for an interview