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Everything posted by peter.jerz@gmx.net

  1. Hi all, I read recently somewhere that there is a mod that lets you put a bike into the trunk of a car. That sounds quite interesting. I couldn't find more info on it. Does someone know more about it? Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks, Peter
  2. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    Thanks, that's truly quite helpful! I have to agree! :D
  3. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    Thanks for this info. Sadly, the R3F page seems to be French only. :(
  4. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    Why, is that feature taken from the Harry Potter franchise?
  5. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    Thank you! I checked whatever Epoch docs were available, but couldn't find any clues concerning the bike-into-trunk idea. Epoch doc seem s to be very meagre. Or is there a good source for it?
  6. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    I don't know this engine, but I know how software works (Being a programmer is my job). I do not think that it would be a problem: - putting bike into trunk removes bike object from world and creates bike item (entry, icon, whatever) inside trunk (car inventory) - removing bike from car inventory would do it the other way round: Remove Bike item from inventory and create bike object in world near the car or inside player's inventory. Keeping the repair stats should be possible, since keeping individual stats is also possible for mags, so the potential is there. The only problem I see is selecting the correct bike (imagine several bikes standing around a car) when putting it into the trunk, because you don't have it inside you inventory. Better solution would be to allow to pick up a bike when facing it (via wheel menu), and placing it inside the players inventory (6 or 8 slots, remove from world, place item into gear, see above). With this feature putting a bike into a car when opening the car's gear menu should be quite easy to implement. I wish I would know DayZ modding good enough -- I would implement it personally, maybe as a little addon you could put into any other mod. That would be sweet... :) Shall I put this into the suggestions forum? Because, originally it is not my idea.
  7. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    Exists a mod that lets you put your bicycle into a car?

    Thanks to all for contribution! (Not to you, m.cab! :D ) Now someone should implement the bike-to-trunk idea into DayZ vanilla to keep me from getting blisters when collecting a vehicle.
  8. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    crafting in patch 1.8

    My suggestion to the developers: Adapt all those Minecraft crafting recipes. I think they work quite well. Owning some machete of knockback would make my day. :D
  9. peter.jerz@gmx.net

    1.8 Makes Melee Nearly Pointless

    For me melee works better than ever, don't know why. Hatchet's range should be better than that of a zombie, and machete's even more if you consider how long they are.