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About ldw-troublemaker

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Vienna / Austria
  1. ldw-troublemaker

    Not too sure if this is a bug or not....

    stop wanking while aiming at other players - maybe that helps :lol:
  2. ldw-troublemaker

    Duck you all to bell you worthless quacks.

    Maybe somebody has mistaken you for a wild pig - you behave like one... :P
  3. ldw-troublemaker

    Where is this place?

    Sonds like the military camp to the south of the Balota airstrip. It's at 048131
  4. ldw-troublemaker

    Godmode AS50 snipers on FR100

    Similar strange things happened to me too, but on a different server. I shot a guy, who was climbing a deer stand, with my AS50. As I wasn't sure if he's alone and the shot is incredibly loud, I decided to wait a while, before looting him. After a couple minutes I noticed a second guy looking for me in the woods. I changed my weapon to my M4 CCO (not SD) I had in my backpack and he didn't see me, because I was wearing a ghillie. When he was about 5 meters away (still didn't see me) I fired about 7 shots at him. Four of them hit him FOR SURE - I saw the bullets hitting his body - the others probably too. The reaction was... none!?! He turned around slowly looking for me, fired his Winchester and shot me. But that's not all! I was lucky and respawned in Kamenka. It wasn't far away from the place I got shot. So I run back, got a Makarov from the guy I shot at the deer stand before and headed to my previous position. I caught the guy still looting my body. He didn't see me coming from behind, so I shot him at least 2 times in the backhead and 4 times into the body. The reaction was... none again!!! Again he turned around looking for me and again one shot - dead! This time with a M1911 (at least it looked like my M1911). Crazy... I think that something was wrong here. Can't imagine the guy still standing after at least 4 bullets out of my M4 hit him from a distance of about 5m!!! Is there some kind of god mode if the signature check, battleye aso. is turned on on the server?
  5. Hi, I'm the Admin of DE 231. On July, 25th a hacker teleported a bunch of players to a place on the map. Some kind of explosions happened there. Can't describe exactly what explosions, cause I wasn't ingame at this time, but a lot of players reported it in our TS. Addictionaly I have to mention, that I turned off the "regularCheck" before, trying to get rid of the lags the server experienced in the days before. Maybe this was it, that made it possible. A lot of players got killed and lost their stuff. We're very sorry because of that. The regularCheck is turned back on and after applying the new beta patch it seems to work just fine - without laggin'. I hope this solved the problem. At least it seems to not happened again. There was also a bug that made it possible to duplicate items, that were taken from tents or vehicles. After server restart the items were still in the players inventory, but also in the tents/vehicles they were taken from. Today I was told, that it doesn't work anymore - hopefully. Did ya experience this on other servers too, or was it just ours?
  6. I would say, the DayZ-Team or/and Bohemia should keep an eye on things like that. I'm not sure if they want, that people make money by selling virtual items in THEIR game. It would be sad, if you could just buy an NVG or GPS. It would ruin the game, cause then it's like "oh, I'm not skilled enough to play the game the way it was ment, but I got some extra cash, so I just buy a sniper and kill some players at Kamenka/Komarovo/Balota/Whereever. Those players would not die at this point if I had to find the items by myself (or with my group), because I'm not patient enough to search for it and risk my own life. All I want is to get the stuff now and begin to kill others, who are more skilled, but play fair. Of course just until one of them kills me - but who cares, then I lose the old stuff and 5-10 Bucks later I'm equipped again. What a joy of a game..." Cmon guys! That's not the sense of this game. It would be the same if the developers had implemented an "Equip me with awesome stuff"-Menu. The only difference is, you wouldn't have to pay somebody else for it. The developers of EVE Online (I know it's an SF-Game, that's not the point) do not allow to buy or sell items on the net. You're not allowed to exchange real money to play money also. If they catch you buying, selling exchanging outside of the game, you'll get banned. That's the rule and that's how it should be done here. Oh, and believe me. It's no problem for me to get 20 NVGs, 20 GPS, 20 M107s, Ghillies, Camos or whatever you want within seconds in a way that isn't "legal". I'm a programmer and I know how ArmA works, so it's easy. But I wouldn't do it, cause then I would have stop to play this game. Open the editor, create a player with M4A1 and an KI with this in the init line: "removeAllWeapons this;". Start the mission and shoot the KI several times. If that's the way you want to play, get a doctor. If it's not funny... well... then don't buy ingame-items on the internet.
  7. ldw-troublemaker

    What's the weirdest way you have died?

    I was somwhere around Green Mountain. Suddenly I noticed two players running through a field. I was equipped with M4A3 CCO. They saw me aiming at them and begun to walk slowly. They realized, that if I had the intention to shoot them, I would have already done it. One of them was equipped with a Winchester, the other one just with a handgun or so. They had the standard backpacks and looked like they were just at the beginning of their survival journey, so I thought "Hey, be nice - let'em pass". I could have shot down both, before they even come into the range to fire their weapons. The first one passed. I was still aiming at him, but didn't shoot. Then I aimed the guy carrying the Winchester and let him pass. When they were about 50 m away I thought "Hey... nice guys! They got it!". I wanted to write "Good luck guys" in the chat. Just in that moment, the Winchester guy turned around and fired his weapon. His first bullet hit my head and I was dead. SInce then I decided to never again be the nice guy :D
  8. ldw-troublemaker

    german player looking for a group/clan

    Guckstdu hier: http://www.legion-der-woelfe.de Oder du kommst mal im TS vorbei: Was wir bieten: Eigene Server (DayZ und einiges andere), Teamplay, spielerische und technische Hilfe (ob DayZ, ACE, Vanilla, I44 oder sonstiges), eigene COOP Missionen, und und und... Was wir erwarten: Keine Kiddies (mind. 18 Jahre alt), Bereitschaft im Team zu spielen und auch den Clan würdig zu vertreten (3-4 Wo. Probezeit - es ist damit aber nicht der skill, sondern das Verhalten gemeint), HUMOR(!!!) Was wir nicht erwarten: Finanzielle Beteiligung (freie Spenden sind natürlich jederzeit gerne gesehen), fixe Trainingszeiten (wer kommt ist da, wer nicht eben nicht) Also: Bei Interesse einfach kommen und wir werden sehen... Man schiesst sich... :cool:
  9. ldw-troublemaker

    German Player Searching for Clan/Group

    Guckstdu hier: http://www.legion-der-woelfe.de Oder du kommst mal im TS vorbei: Was wir bieten: Eigene Server (DayZ und einiges andere), Teamplay, spielerische und technische Hilfe (ob DayZ, ACE, Vanilla, I44 oder sonstiges), eigene COOP Missionen, und und und... Was wir erwarten: Keine Kiddies (mind. 18 Jahre alt), Bereitschaft im Team zu spielen und auch den Clan würdig zu vertreten (3-4 Wo. Probezeit - es ist damit aber nicht der skill, sondern das Verhalten gemeint), HUMOR(!!!) Was wir nicht erwarten: Finanzielle Beteiligung (freie Spenden sind natürlich jederzeit gerne gesehen), fixe Trainingszeiten (wer kommt ist da, wer nicht eben nicht) Also: Bei Interesse einfach kommen und wir werden sehen... Man schiesst sich... :cool:
  10. ldw-troublemaker

    Looking for a german squad, group or clan

    Guckstdu hier: http://www.legion-der-woelfe.de Oder du kommst mal im TS vorbei: Was wir bieten: Eigene Server (DayZ und einiges andere), Teamplay, spielerische und technische Hilfe (ob DayZ, ACE, Vanilla, I44 oder sonstiges), eigene COOP Missionen, und und und... Was wir erwarten: Keine Kiddies (mind. 18 Jahre alt), Bereitschaft im Team zu spielen und auch den Clan würdig zu vertreten (3-4 Wo. Probezeit - es ist damit aber nicht der skill, sondern das Verhalten gemeint), HUMOR(!!!) Was wir nicht erwarten: Finanzielle Beteiligung (freie Spenden sind natürlich jederzeit gerne gesehen), fixe Trainingszeiten (wer kommt ist da, wer nicht eben nicht) Also: Bei Interesse einfach kommen und wir werden sehen... Man schiesst sich... :cool:
  11. ldw-troublemaker

    Searching Squad/Clan to Play with (im German)

    Guckstdu hier: http://www.legion-der-woelfe.de Oder du kommst mal im TS vorbei: Was wir bieten: Eigene Server (DayZ und einiges andere), Teamplay, spielerische und technische Hilfe (ob DayZ, ACE, Vanilla, I44 oder sonstiges), eigene COOP Missionen, und und und... Was wir erwarten: Keine Kiddies (mind. 18 Jahre alt), Bereitschaft im Team zu spielen und auch den Clan würdig zu vertreten (3-4 Wo. Probezeit - es ist damit aber nicht der skill, sondern das Verhalten gemeint), HUMOR(!!!) Was wir nicht erwarten: Finanzielle Beteiligung (freie Spenden sind natürlich jederzeit gerne gesehen), fixe Trainingszeiten (wer kommt ist da, wer nicht eben nicht) Also: Bei Interesse einfach kommen und wir werden sehen... Man schiesst sich... :cool:
  12. ldw-troublemaker

    [Deutsch] Looking for a german Clan

    Leider zu jung... Melde dich so in 2-3 Jahren nochmal ;)
  13. ldw-troublemaker


    Go to debug forest. Somewhere there you can find my NVG and GPS. :lol:
  14. ldw-troublemaker

    Server Persistence Issues

    I didn't create a new profile and the problem is gone. Looks like it doesn't depend on the profile u use...
  15. ldw-troublemaker

    Desyncing - My server or hive?

    yup, looks same as my log... :(