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About haz_ah

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  1. My thoughts regarding tents: The hotfix intended to fix tent/vehicle saving. The issue was that the tents wouldn't actually save anything or the inventorys would never reflect changes after a restart. For example, if a player would ADD things to a tent and save it, the new items would dissappear after a restart. What you're talking about is an issue with the game's design, not the mod's. This is not preventable (from what I know, please correct me if I'm totally wrong here). Now that everything is working properly (at least how the game is designed) items are saved to the server's harddrive and they actually remain there even after restart. Now if you take everything out but do not save it, as far as the server knows, nothing has changed. The data on the harddrive is not overwritten unless a player manually saves it. Of course the items will reappear after restart. A possible solution: handle tent inventories like how player inventories are handled. Save them periodically, maybe not every few minutes, but at least regularly so the server knows that items have been taken out and not saved. This is probably a fault with the game, and not the mod, like mentioned before. Hope that helps.
  2. haz_ah

    Steam for the Standalone.

    Standalone isn't going to be a finished product. Regular updates. Exactly why minecraft isn't on steam.
  3. Standalone development is parallel to the mod's development. All of the features are being implemented in the standalone too.
  4. Am i the only one who is struggling to download the patch? My internet speeds are fine but ETA of download torrent = 3hrs, same for manual .rar download.
  5. I'm using uTorrent and my downloads speeds are respectable. However this is taking a very long time to complete, ETA 3hrs. Why is this? Is there huge load on the server or just not enough seeds?
  6. haz_ah

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Not sure if somebody has already replied to this but here is my speculation: As with minecraft, it will not be on steam. Why? Because the regular update path the game will follow doesn't fit steam's way of doing things.
  7. Apparently if you press: ctrl and numpad +, then type "flush", it should fix it. Would be helpful if someone could confirm.
  8. How do you explain that EVERY building has absolutely no loot. Not even tin cans. Yeah right someone's taken it all.
  9. Recently, every time I respawn near elektro I cannot find any loot in the town. Also, all the zombies are stood still and don't move. It's frustrating because if you spawn near elektro you're basically stuffed, no food or weapons or ANYTHING. I hope this can be addressed soon.
  10. Thanks I'll look into the first link. By the way, the second link is a script made by Worrom I believe. I think that guy (atojar) is taking credit for someone elses work. Though, I may be wrong as I didn't read the full post and replies.
  11. I can already run the game fine, I was just interested in trying to make a batch file to run it :)
  12. Hi, I'm trying to make my own batch file to run DayZ. I can play it normally, but I'm doing this to experiment. Here is my code: @ECHO OFF ECHO Launching DayZ SET CUSTOM_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead START "" "%CUSTOM_PATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" -world=chernarus -nosplash -mod=@dayz pause>nul However when I run this I get two error messages: No entry '.profilePathDefault'. Shaders not valid (mismatch of exe and data?) I'm sure this is something to do with the path I have used or the startup parameter for dayz. If someone has had experience with this and could advise me on what to do next it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Hey, can you provide a link to where it has already been suggested?
  14. Works flawlessly with patch 94876