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About MCNine

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. MCNine

    So what is DayZ, exactly ?

    It is whatever you want it to be. I Roleplayed an orphanage salesman last night on experimental.
  2. MCNine

    Top quality hacking - prepubescent boy

    I came onto the forums today because i experienced something very similar just last night. I was on a full 40 person server in the grove in Berezino. I had been running around and saw no one. I stopped in the grove and some dude immediately appears and starts punching me so fast i couldn't react. I knew it had to be some script kiddies and this thread confirmed it for me. Pretty sad...
  3. MCNine

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Lets not get off track and bash the content that is being added. We are in alpha. Things will get removed and added plenty of times before everything is said and done. Boneboys, i appreciate that data. Very interesting stuff. Although Average players has dropped significantly, we still see those spikes of peak players which leaves me to believe that there are a lot of people waiting for features. I am more concerned about the community of the game. Its not as bad as BattleZ Terminix Diaries but maybe some of you guys need to learn a little patience. I mean I've been waiting since 2009 for fallout 4. Patience young Padawan.
  4. MCNine

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Beans! Outdoor activities i will enjoy!
  5. MCNine

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Edit: I meant Mod. I am talking about a decreased interest in the Standalone.
  6. It sure seems like there is a decreased interest in the standalone game here over the past few months. Even with patches and content it seems like there are less people posting on Forums/reddit and less people in games. Has everyone moved onto the Mod or just to other games? I remember the beginning of this spring semester i was so ready for elder scrolls online but the wait kind of ruined me. Maybe some people are done waiting for BIG content. Go ahead, explain its in alfer.
  7. MCNine

    Caves/ Tunnels

    Imagine the change of fighting style and RP options. A really long underground tunnel would not only make for a scary zombie spawn but for an excellent bandit hideout. Think about it, in every zombie movie where do the scariest scenes occur? In car tunnels.. Having several medium caves or even small ones would be perfect for tents/fires/ raves. Dev team, if your listening please add this somewhere. Put a huge tunnel through one of the mountains up north, it would be awesome. Also, it would be nice to have an area where the woods were so dense i couldn't run in a straight line.
  8. MCNine

    Zombie Player?

    You need to look in zombie panic source. Essentially the same idea but with deathmatch gameplay. I would be all for allowing people to be zombies but it can still create an unfair advantage. Imagine how clans would abuse this. Remember, we cannot have anything nice.
  9. MCNine

    Zombie Player?

    As cool as that would be to relive my old "Zombie Panic" mod days that would create a great unbalance of the game. I can see this being a mod when they make weapons more scarce.
  10. MCNine

    Funny Berenzino apt. experience

    If your going to troll at least read. I stated i enjoy "player interactions" and i let the bambi live. If you can insult someone then it shouldn't require much effort to read. Also: I will probably do this again, but this experience was enjoyable because i could hear my foes talking about me a my buddy. Just listening to them was fun.
  11. MCNine

    Funny Berenzino apt. experience

    Me too..without vehicles Berenzino is the quickest way to get player interaction.
  12. My and my friend join a (almost) full server last night with some hopes for some nice PVP berenzino action. Turns out the server we joined had a teamspeak.... 704.108.208.103? It was something like that. Anyways, we make our way to the roof of the apartment complex after finding there is no one around. I began to shoot an sks on the roof and blair loud music in hopes of drawing some attention. Luckily i hear some sniper shots and me and my buddy decide to go back down. Before i go i leave the sks... I hop on teamspeak after seeing their server IP listed in game. I can hear the guys talking about me and my buddy. "Where are they?" "Did they log"? With a sniper overlooking the building they sent some bambi in. The whole time i can hear his footsteps and he is telling everyone on teamspeak where his is. Oddly enough, i had the chance to blast him with my Mosin but didn't. Funny thing was the bambi they sent in to "investigate" didn't die even though i am sure thats what they expected. Good times.
  13. MCNine

    More Ruins/ Revamped castles

    This is a thread relating to the implementation of Ruined cities (i.e. burned buildings, charred corpses and ruined stone structures). Thread on castles http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/195320-castles-no-more/ Basically, castles offer little to no loot and are barely used. Ruined towns and castles would be a great way for bandits to RP and would make for a variety of interesting firefights. There already a good amount of pre-exsisting models for ruined buildings (that town way way north east) but it would be nice to get the option to find some super rare loot in the bandits den. Imagine finding loot in on of these towns but all the items were ruined. Then you run across an LMG. I think this would add a whole new dynamic to the game.
  14. MCNine

    Castles no more?

    This is what i am hoping to accomplish. Maybe we can reach the dev's directly to give us some better loot options. You right about those stairs being glitchy. In many ways the castles were deathtraps if you didnt know how to move correctly. Still love them and hope we have a reason for people to go there. Make the top of the castle a prime spawn point for something extremely rare.
  15. MCNine

    Castles no more?

    It was just nice taking all the time to get the gear, cars, and friends and head up to devil's were there may or may not be a a crew. On several occasions in mod i would be on a low pop server on run into 2 man teams just chilling. If the developers could give the few castles a little more attention it would make for some interesting raids.