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Everything posted by FieldRequired
I was banned for trolling, I fenced in all of cherno in an elaborate hoax. Honestly I thought it was hilarious, I guess the admins didnt. The sheer number of fences I put down is probably the reason I was banned as its highly unlikely to get those, but I did. When you think about the numbers and compare them to a small camp full of equipment its not that hard to envision. I really like this server and I'm pretty bummed to be banned for having a bit of fun with some friends. (No, I didn't do this alone, but I did place the wire fences all myself because my friend is... an idiot) I was banned for reason "wirecat1 script", but I was NOT using a script to place these, they were items on my person/in my backpack as well as on my friends'. Just because the number placed was high doesn't mean it was a cheat, it was a very well orchestrated trolling is all.
aw look, he facepalmed. how cute. i guess he's trying to make a point. (if you think that previous post was to you - it wasnt, conceited much? only the 1 line was to you - the ps was agreeing with you, not to you.) i did ask him politely to check the logs, i see you read the whole thread thoroughly. btw i want to thank you, i was kinda bored as its late and my movie just went off - you gave me something to do for a few minutes. so how's your night going? or is it day there? timezones and all. you're probably bored too, otherwise you wouldnt be butting in a conversation that has literally nothing to do with you. i pose you a challenge, instead of always trying to play the safe side, why dont you stand up for someone? did they teach you about backbones in school? they taught me.. if you always stand in the favorable crowd nobody will notice you. see you could've started posting in this thread with "why are you guys trying to bully him? he posted a reasonable ban appeal in his first post and only an admin should have responded to it, and then when he went out of his way to answer your questions you accused him of hacking without evidence, as only the admin has access to the logs." ^ bet that woulda been fun. try it sometime, hell if it doesnt work out at least it makes you stand out as a person instead of conforming to the same thing everyone else does.
oh i get it, you wanted my appeal to be "hey guys i did a bad thing and im sorry can i be unbanned pretty please?" instead of giving my side of the story, reinforcing it with evidence, and following the standardized procedures for showing innocence. i'll try it tgtri i'm so sorry that i trolled your server :( i really like your server and i think its a good thing that you have active admins <3 can you let me back in for old times sake?? i'll be a good boy and no more elaborate trolling ^.- pweeeez? <meow> do you just like to start arguments? im not going to justify your response with a formal one, how about "hi how are you" instead? ps: people are expected to be honest, which is why i still havent figured out frenchy's responses. (ps: i'd not call him frenchy but i cant remember how to spell his stupid name without scrolling up 2-3 times to finish it)
so... you did read it then. all of my posts up to my last one were completely calm mannered. antagonize someone long enough and they get annoyed, top it with "you're going to jail cause this kid over here has blue hair" and you get disbelief. my cursing was of disbelief, not anger. however im still going to kill that little french kid every time i see him online. my attitude is fine, its my patience thats being tested and i have more than enough of it. yes, obviously its a red flag for a hacker, why wouldnt it be a hacker? obviously nobody in this game takes more than 2 minutes to actually play it and do anything fun or constructive in it. the only reason you have a gun is cause you hack, right? duh!! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! see how stupid that sounds? now lets ramp it up oh look an admin camp, 3 helicopters, a ural, a uaz, humvee, 12 tents full of goodies, and 2-3 atvs. obviously that was all obtained using hacks, because theres no way anyone could spend more than 8 minutes on a single objective. here's a crazy thought, how about you contemplate how much work was done and appreciate the effort that someone would put into on your server in order to have a bit of a realistic community. i made a pig pen to shoot bambis - yes i'm a bandit. i'm a bandit that not only enjoys playing a game but i enjoy elaborate hoaxes. rather or not you believe i hack or played legit, consider the possibility that it actually was legit and think about the time and effort put into it and appreciate that someone had that much dedication to a joke. then shoot it all down with claims of hackers because obviously this is dayz and nobody can do anything on it without scripts. whats funny is i told my friend while i was doing it "im probably gonna get banned for this" although i said it sarcastically. as for my attitude? its fine. that post was well deserved and earned. i got banned by an admin for "hacking", then a stupid kid that i probably shot in the face said i did the same thing on his server and the admin actually believed it. its his server, he can ban me if he wants, as dayz has no standardized banning policy and you can freely kick or ban anyone as long as you front the bill for the server. i have nothing against .. tgtfi? i dont feel like scrolling up, sue me. if he leaves the ban - cool. if not - cool too. the admin that banned me though i am curious why he said he "found the script i was using", as it infuriates me when someone lies about evidence they dont have just to make them look better to the public. (i also dont like politicians) if you made it this far - high five. gets accused of hacking gets banned gets antagonized expected to be polite. why you antagonizing more? or are you brown nosing? and if you guys are complaining about my use of "fuck" i wasnt aware we couldnt curse here, and there's no profanity filter so it sure makes it seem like its allowed. if otherwise - i apologize.
i didnt do it on 2 servers, i would know if i did it on a second server. i did it on 3480. whatever, accuse me of hacking, just because i did something you dont approve of, thats the definition of admin abuse, good job. the french bitch above me is lying through his fucking teeth, i already showed you i never joined his stupid server. why the hell would i play on a 300 ping server? good job faco, i'll be sure if i ever see you to shoot you, raid your camps, and fuck with you in general. i can even give you further proof - im not banned on his fucking servers like he claims i am. FR 129 FR 130 FR 34 match the server ip at the top to my previous picture and the guid to what you posted. more importantly, why the fuck couldnt i have done it on 2 servers? if i did it on one i obviously could've done it on EVERY server with a bit of time. it takes a few days of looking for the shit but its not impossible. and no, this isnt saying i did, im saying its very well possible to do it on multiple servers. i'd like to conclude this with thank you for showing us that you banned me without proof, without evidence, and based on improbability. then you lie to my face that you caught me using a script i wasnt fucking using, and you try to pass it off to others because you're the admin and obviously im the new guy that everyone doesnt give a shit about. i dont care if they believe you over me, i know the truth, you know the truth. i hope it burns in the back of your mind for the rest of the year that you got caught banning a legit player. good job.
read the first post. 2nd paragraph 130 seems high. 80 seems more accurate. 2.5 trips with full backpack/body to do it, took 2 players first trip and 3 players the 2nd trip they didnt have toolboxes so they couldnt place them, so i just pulled them from the backpacks. next time i do it i'll fraps it.
who are you? you arent an admin on this server and i've never played in yours. are you a butthurt user who got stuck in cherno? i bet so. he can check the logs for how long it took to place each, it took far more than "1 second" i've NEVER played in your servers what the fuck are you doing trying to get a legit player banned with your lies? are you that butthurt? did i shoot you too many times? i didnt use a script, not sure how he found something i didnt use. since you are an admin can you double check the logs? i seriously didnt use any script for this and having fun isnt against the rules. if you have doubts about the entry, pick up a wire fencing kit and place it yourself and check the logs,
actually i had leftovers that i dropped around the place, i didnt count the days, we grabbed them as we played. i play in a group of 5 and it probably took us 4 or 5 hours while looking for car parts. most of it was done on 816 but that server went down. (we moved a lot of our stuff as it went down and a few days before)
i've never been on your french server. dont lie