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Posts posted by Theheroicbandit

  1. I ask people if they need help, not simply KOS.Heroes need bandits and bandits need heroes. Dayz does need that competition. It seems that everyone is a bandit nowadays and kills you even if you have nothing. We need true bandits, ones that hold you up and rarely kill you, not just "oh a new spawn" (kills new spawn on sight). We need actual competition, not just people who play it like cod.

  2. It is gone. My bandit skin has turned into a survivor skin. While I am still learning how to be a hero, I am learning how to control my encounters. After my teammate got killed and I got my legs broken and left for dead(left bleeding out by a bandit) I have decided to not run out to help others in the open. I agree I need to watch from a distance, but they're are problems with that. When a new player is bleeding out in a building and doesn't know how to bandage it's us heroes that go in and save him, not sit back and talk to him hoping he knows how to respond. I agree and disagree. I think though, a lot of heroes should get together and hunt bandits on a server though, and help out when we can.

  3. For third stage bandits or( the merciless ones) I typically don't kill them unless they're trying to kill me. If this happens I usually shoot them in the legs and knock them out, then bandage and fix them up etc(I don't morphine they're legs right away) then I take their ammo and or melee weapon. I try to talk sense into them usually getting cursed out or them disconnecting. One time though, I told the dude( who was geared to the teeth) that I should kill him since he tried to run me over with his car. He pleaded for me not to, so I took all his ammo( I usually hide it far away from where I left them) just to be sure he wouldn't try to run me over I shot out a tire. Dick move? Maybe. Safer because of it? Yes.

  4. I ran up on two noobs, one with a ak, his friend had broken legs and a crossbow. I bandaged the bleeding guy and dragged him into cherno hospital as to save him from Zeds. His teammate had no bullets and was both hungry and thirsty. I gave him food and water and then his teammate died from blood loss/ lack of blood. The other teammate thanked me for not KOS, then went on his way. Those Hero moments.

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  5. I was playing the mod and decided, I'm going to be a hero, a dude was getting attacked by Zeds in elektro and I ran up to him to help him, and he stops, turns around and KOS. He gets eaten by Zeds while I die. Eventually I met up with someone and we decided to team up.we found a motor bike and drove around asking people if they need help and gave them supplies(no weapons, just the necessities). We are currently building a base of operations so we can continue our ways, but we need help. We need HEROES. My guy has a bandit skin on because I killed three people who tried to kill me on sight, they fired first, I killed them. The question of the day is, why does everyone need to KOS? Surely heroes are needed and more preferred, but why does everyone choose the wrong path?

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  6. I spawned In and said I'm friendly via chat, run around asking people over chat if they need anything. A guy crowbars me to the back of the head while I'm replying to someone's distress messGe, my guy dies. Later a guy with a so says he will help me, I run outside and he shoots me to hell. I did meet a friendly dude who died in front of me by getting eaten by zombies. We both had no weapons.

  7. I'm looking to play with people this week that are willing to work together, we're not heroes or bandits just survivors. Age any mic not required( I don't have one) weapon of choice and in game and steam name. I play on epoch and dayz(normal)
