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Everything posted by Theheroicbandit

  1. Theheroicbandit

    All out war

    I have been thinking, DayZ is fun and all, but it lacks something. So i was thinking it would be fun if heroes and bandits both made bases on a origins server, then had a war. I mean attacking each other and trying to take each others bases. You know what i mean? Just something to see who is better, bandits or heroes? Who will prevail?
  2. Theheroicbandit

    SWAT clan

    Skilled players wanted. Need to be atleast 15+ , need a mic, mainly play on origins, must be able to pull your own weight. Heroes or normal people only. This wont be in effect for atleast 2 months. So i want a team for when i get ready to play.
  3. Theheroicbandit

    All out war

    I have been thinking, DayZ is fun and all, but it lacks something. So i was thinking it would be fun if heroes and bandita both made bases on a origins server, then had a war. I mean attacking each other and trying to take each others bases. You know what i mean? Just something to see who is better, bandits or heroes? Who will prevail?
  4. Theheroicbandit

    All out war

    K, will do thanks.
  5. Theheroicbandit

    Hero base/ bandit base

    True. But think of it as the white house. The presidents rarely there, its just there for when he is there.
  6. Theheroicbandit

    weapon suggestions

    I got it, bb gun.
  7. I was friendly, then a guy,(he will be called bandit), shot at me while i was looting, all i had was a hatchet, but a makarov vs a hatchet is a sure kill right? No. I got shot once of the eight bullets. I charged the dude and killed him, then looted him. Later was running on the beach when i heard gunshots and found bandit, killing zombies with his back to the ocean. I was like, hmmm this seems like karma. So i ran behind him and hatcheted him in the back/ neckish area, he goes down unconscious. I break his legs then take all his stuff. I left him for the zombies to finish off. I ran to a bridge when a hacker made everyone come together and everyone shot each other, so i died. But i killed two guys before i went down so all was good.
  8. Theheroicbandit

    All out war

    I like this game for the excitement and unpredictability of it. I appreciate the problems players,npcs, and zombies make, but i think it would be fun if clans got together and fought. You have your opinion, i have mine.