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Everything posted by Theheroicbandit

  1. Theheroicbandit

    good gaming pc?

    Im in america.
  2. Theheroicbandit

    good gaming pc?

    I plan on spending 1-2 grand on a prebuilt pc. Any suggestions?
  3. How would you guys feel if there was a lser targeting system in dayz? Meaning bandit 1 shines the laser on a ac130 flying over head, bandit 2, fires the missile hitting the laser designated subject. Also, what about debris, so the plane listed above, after it blows up drops debris onto the area beneath it. If your underneath it, your killed.
  4. I think that if there is somthing to get boats used more often it would be a huge aircraft carrier. The carrier would have tons of parts that can be and need to changed out. Also, it would have guns like the ones modern day ones have. Maybe even a couple of submarines to make a quick get away. If this were to be put in, it would need alot of people to use it, atleast 4, whixh would encourage people to team up. Yes or no?
  5. Theheroicbandit

    military aircraft carrier with weapons in dayz SA? yes or no?

    Maybe the weapons as well as clothing and vehicles get worn out. So say your trigger gets worn out, you need to fix it. Your clothes tear, leaving you open to the elements, you need to sew it up. The carrier could have parts, as well clothing.
  6. Theheroicbandit

    military aircraft carrier with weapons in dayz SA? yes or no?

    What if the ship was the back story? Say your a survivor who wakes up on board, and everyone is infected so you take a small life boat to shore, you hit a reef making you black out. You wake up on the beach.
  7. Theheroicbandit


    Dayz should have wild life, like bears and other dangerous creatures.
  8. Theheroicbandit

    military aircraft carrier with weapons in dayz SA? yes or no?

    Alcohol should be put in, so that way drunk drivers crash. Also, maybe a sedative to kidnap bandits, as well as handcuffs that work.
  9. Theheroicbandit

    military aircraft carrier with weapons in dayz SA? yes or no?

    What if it is inoperable, and just off the coast? And it has decent loot? Maybe sharks can be added to the ocean to make it better.
  10. Theheroicbandit

    Super Bloodsuckers

    Rocket should make more breeds of zombies, like super bloodsuckers. Although this will make the game better, they should not over do it or else it will just become another zombie game.
  11. Theheroicbandit


    How do you kidnap someone in DayZ? people have done this for fun, but really its a jerk move. Let them be.
  12. Theheroicbandit

    shooting while driving

    It has always bothered me that when your driving you cant shoot. If your in a car with someone. And your the passenger, you should be able to shoot out at people.
  13. Theheroicbandit

    devils castle base

    Would this be a good idea? Maybe if i could barricade it somehow?
  14. Theheroicbandit


    Some toiletries are needed in dayz.
  15. Theheroicbandit

    shooting while driving

  16. Theheroicbandit


    Funny. Last time i heard that i laughed so hard i fell off my dinosaur. PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE!
  17. Theheroicbandit

    Hero forum

    Tell your tales of heroic deeds, list suggestions or tips or why you wanted to be a hero over a bandit.
  18. Theheroicbandit

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    Alcatraz like prison.
  19. Theheroicbandit

    weapon suggestions

    What weapons should or shouldnt they add to the DayZ standalone? Im thinking they should put in a aa12, or a flamethrower. Just a thought.
  20. Theheroicbandit

    weapon suggestions

    Maybe a defibrillator? Something used by heroes?
  21. Theheroicbandit

    Hero forum

    I tried being a hero, i got shot.
  22. Theheroicbandit


    People have to be really crazy to kidnap people.
  23. Theheroicbandit

    Super Bloodsuckers

    A clown zombie. Enough said.
  24. Theheroicbandit

    Hero base/ bandit base

    Shouldnt heroes and bandits each have a base where they can go to on each server? I think they should.