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Everything posted by petetheEat

  1. petetheEat

    How i can fill V3S

    Ahh i wish i had known this yesterday. i found a V3S and had great fun zooming about the countryside. I was on my way to pick up a friend when my dear truck ran out of fuel. in the middle of the NE airfield. Abandoning it was the hardest thing i have ever done in game.
  2. petetheEat

    What am I not getting about warmth?

    I read somewhere that persistence servers are currently bugged so cold/heat isn't working properly, and people will keep losing heat no matter what.
  3. petetheEat

    The Biggest Word To The Wise

    once, i had walked down from the hills after looting the nWAF and ended up at three valleys. I encountered a player under attack by zombies. i killed the zombies for him and patched him up. i dropped a can of beans on the ground for him and he looked up at me, raised his fists...and promptly lowered them again. he said "hanks man!" and went on his merry way. Only once have i had an encounter like this. The other times I have been punched, shot, stabbed, and whacked just for offering to help. So yeah, OP is right. never trust anyone you've just met.
  4. petetheEat

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    I like to think that eventually military loot will be a 'final boss' of sorts. It will only spawn at the airports and bases up North, where it will be incredibly dangerous. You want military loot? You'll need a team to help fight the zombies, a car to escape with the marauding hordes that hopefully will roam the map, weapons (bows, axes), food and drink. Finding military loot should be a dangerous adventure. high risk, but high reward.
  5. petetheEat

    Can no longer die of hunger?

    I'm cold I'm cooling off I'm rapidly cooling off I'm shaking It's like being on a long car journey with a complaining toddler
  6. petetheEat

    Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

    If there were zombie hordes, then people would have no choice but to work together (or at least not kill eachother)
  7. petetheEat

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    Myshkino is one of my favourite places to go to escape from the raiders and the bandits and the roadrats who seem to be spreading further every day. It used to be that as long as you stayed out of Berezino and the East coast then you'd be safe to wander alone, but as more and more high value cities are popping up, the wilderness and its safety is shrinking.
  8. petetheEat

    Am I doing something wrong?

    You're cetain to meet people in areas like 'zino and that big factory outside it. However, they are unlikely to be nice people.
  9. petetheEat

    No more Towns

    They should add more towns along the far northern highway, but leave some space for lonely hermits like myself to skulk in peace.
  10. That inevitably the slow addition of features will lead people to create their own maps like "Dayz nuketown" where you start with an M4 and vehicles are more common than tins of food. Frankie will play on these new maps, increasing their popularity and it will draw players away from the 'true' game.
  11. I want to loot Novodmitrovsk and the surrounding towns but I don't fancy death by bandit. Just how safe are these cities in your experience? Are they worth looting or should i just go West to places like Gvozdno?
  12. bibles are mysterious items. One character I had a bible and I survived what should have been a fatal gunshot wound, falling off a ledge that killed my bible-less friend, being mauled by a zombie, being on the end of a bandit ambush where only I survived and i too have had a press vest go from badly damaged to pristine.
  13. You should visit a place I like to call 'The end of the line'. It's a little settlement at the very end of the railroad tracks, just North of Lopatino. It is always deserted and quite pretty.
  14. petetheEat

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    I think they are certainly more '28 days later' style, but just called zombies because "DayInfectedHuman" doesn't have the same ring to it.
  15. petetheEat

    How safe are the new cities?

    On my road trip to the NW airfield, I skirted past Novo and hear a lo of gunfire coming from further in the city. Not my cup of tea at all.
  16. petetheEat

    How safe are the new cities?

    I think I'll steer clear of Novo, it's just too big and full of sniper spots
  17. From what I hear Dean will definitely add more zombies when he's sorted the pathing issues and made sure having a large number of Zs won't affect performance too much. I can't wait to return to mod-style zombies where firing a loud gun in the middle of a town would bring at least 30 zombies down on you.
  18. petetheEat

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    One of the great things about these clan wars is that they always leave so much wonderful loot when they kill eachother off for cowardly hyenas like me to shamelessly pilfer.
  19. petetheEat

    Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness

    It would be great if we had properly thick forests that we could hide in. I miss being able to be a forest hermit living in the dark places of the map where no one ever bothered me like in the mod.
  20. petetheEat

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    The number of times I've jumped out of my skin at the sound of a coke being drunk only to find out it was a glitch sound...I'm guessing that the devs will fix this after the most glaring issues have been sorted.
  21. petetheEat

    Really bad quality graphics

    I was fiddling around with the brightness and I couldn't get it quite right so I reset the settings to default and then the screen went really fuzzy and the ui got all messed up. what happened and how do i fix this? I have not had this problem before, every time i reset it to default it kept working fine.
  22. petetheEat

    Really bad quality graphics

    Sorry, I'm a bit rubbish at these things, how do i do that? Edit: I've sorted it now. Thanks for your help folks.
  23. petetheEat

    Really bad quality graphics

    For the life of me I can't remember what settings I was using before and now nothing looks right when i try to fix it ugh.
  24. petetheEat

    The worst ideas for Dayz

    After reading about loads of complaints about the game, i thought, 'yeah its not perfect, but it could really be a lot worse'. Bohemia could add some really terrible features! What are some terrible ideas that the devs could implement for Dayz? (This is just a bit of fun, I think the devs are doing a good job) here are some I came up with: -An online marketplace. Tired of killing newspawns with just an SKS? What some more firepower? Head on over to the online shop and grab yourself an M4! Only $5! Buy now and get a press vest half price! -A special outfit for Bandits with a lil' purple hat with a propeller on it and a big flag with the words 'I AM A BANDIT' emblazoned on it sticking out of the back of their backpack. Whenever they get close to another player the jaws theme plays.