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Everything posted by lowkeypcgamer

  1. lowkeypcgamer

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    Honestly I don't want Dayz to come out for console. It was made with arma 2 for pc, and now the standalone is being made for PC. I feel like Dayz, and Arma 2 belong to PC and the PC community. Thats the platform it was made for. And really. A good majority of console players are young 12 year old kids. Dayz and Arma don't belong to them... It belongs to the mature people who truly appreciate arma and dayz and have stuck with it from the beginning. And really. Dayz is a game of patience... It's slow paced. Console games are fast paced shoot on sight games. And I don't want a bunch of little high voiced 10 year olds playing dayz. No one wants that. If it was released to consoles it would become a deathmatch with a few zombies. Because little kids dont like games where you have to be patient. For console gamers its shoot everyone you see. I'm not trying to say all console gamers are like that. But a majority of them are. Dayz and arma 2 also arent the most popular games in the world. They are honestly pretty low key compared to other games. I dont know about you guys. But I kind of like it that way. If they were released for consoles EVERYONE would know about it. Sorry for my rant. I just wanted to state my opinion about it. :)