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Paah (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Paah (DayZ)

  1. Paah (DayZ)


    Nothing u can really do I'm afraid. DayZ staff doesn't handle battleye bans, you have to contact battleye. But they won't respond.
  2. Paah (DayZ)

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    "Only anti-sniper gun".. Why would you need thermal to spot snipers when they don't have thermal anymore to spot you. Good that this got removed. Was totally overpowered and didn't fit the game at all.
  3. i could live with this' date=' OR change the visibility according to the server difficulty i still have to find the sense in the different diffivulty modes (3dp & CH can be enabled on any difficulty mode) [/quote'] Yes, enabling either 3dp or CH should increase the aggro radius.
  4. Paah (DayZ)

    Updating Mod version

    That's your operation arrowhead version, it should be 1.60.XXXXXX where XXXXX is your beta patch number
  5. Paah (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    No. Arrowhead and ArmaX owners could have the same playerID before. Because DayZ uses playerID to identify you that would lead to them sharing same character. This was fixed in recent beta patch by adding letters to all ArmaX users playerIDs. DayZ doesn't know how to handle letters (because int means integer which obviously has only numbers and not letters). Changing that int to string type will allow it to handle the letters in ArmaX users playerIDs and let them play again.
  6. You lose "some things". You should lose everything.
  7. Paah (DayZ)

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    >Wants stuff fixed >Doesn't want patches The man is a lunatic, don't listen to him!
  8. Paah (DayZ)

    I Must Confess...

    Get more reliable friends.
  9. Paah (DayZ)

    just alt-f4'ed :(

    Good, you understand the way of Sudoku.
  10. I feel this would be very good with 1.7.2 as there are a lot of fixes against duping and such things. Better clean them duped shits out.
  11. Paah (DayZ)

    Tired of wasting time

    1. Write wall of complain 2. Say "I'm not complaining" and even figure out the reason why you shouldn't complain 3. Better post it to the forums ps. this bug is fixed in 1.7.2
  12. Paah (DayZ)

    Crawled all of the way from Elektro to Cherno

    Why not crawl back to Elektro hospital?
  13. Paah (DayZ)

    When does the sun rise?

    It shouldn't be pitch black at 11 in the morning... Should it?
  14. Paah (DayZ)

    Shoot on site solution...

    Hawk24 I don't see the problem here. Survivors can't kill each other (they don't want to kill other peep) but Bandits can still kill whoever they frikkin want (other bandits or survivors) But I don't see any way to make this true without revealing the bandit nature of player on sight. That would be bad.
  15. Paah (DayZ)

    To DayZ Staff

    The router blocking the DDoS flood doesn't help much when the line between the router and ISP is already flooded.
  16. Paah (DayZ)

    To DayZ Staff

    There is no such thing as anti-DDoS software. Any software/hardware you get will be useless. You have to talk to your ISP to counter DDoS.
  17. Paah (DayZ)

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    If you keep dying, you are doing something wrong. Change your playstyle.
  18. Except death. Better kill 'em all.
  19. I think whenever someone tries to do the "save tent" or "save vehicle" outside the real map, the Hive should just not save it there. This would make people actually set their camps within the real map and not 2 klicks outside in a random spot that only clan members can find with provided coordinates.
  20. Paah (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Rocket where art thou? :(
  21. Paah (DayZ)

    Please use another game engine :/

    Using arma2free with arrowhead will make everything look like shit (because you don't have the textures that come from arma2). Is this your problem?
  22. Paah (DayZ)

    Make the Game Harder

    Some of those are engine problems, but the game is definitely too easy. Outdoors a horde of zombies is actually frikkin scary, but just run indoors and empty your infinite ammo into slowly shambling train of zombies..