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About iCodiXD

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  • Skype

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  • Location
    United Kingdom

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  • Bio
  1. Age: 16 Location: UK How long have you been playing dayz: Since 2012 roughly
  2. iCodiXD

    Looking for friends/group!

    I'll join if you don't mind Steam: iCodiXD
  3. I'm looking for 2-3 people to play on panthera epoch with me and my friend. If you want to play reply with the information below. In game name: Location: Age: Skype name: How long you've been playing DayZ: We have a server that we play on, message me on steam or skype for details. Steam: iCodiXD Skype: Codi.Hann
  4. iCodiXD

    Recruiting 1 player to play with me

    Name: iCodiXD Age: 16 Country: U.K What is your best skill in dayz: Scavenging Your skype name: Codi.Hann How long are you playing DayZ: Summer 2012
  5. Looking for a few people to play with, any map and around 4-5 people, preferably not a clan but I'm not picky. You need a mic and need to be able to speak English so we can talk. Steam: iCodiXD Skype: Codi.Hann :)
  6. iCodiXD

    looking for a squad to play with.

    Can I join you? I'm sixteen but I can promise I'm not squeaky ^_^