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About Unpuremagic2

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Edmonton Alberta aAnada
  • Interests
    Video games ;)

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  • Bio
  1. Name: Matthew, (Upuremagic2) Age:16 Location: Alberta, Canada Headset & Microphone?: Yeah, but my microphone gets quiet at time's Speak English?: Yeah How long have you been playing DayZ?: Lol I have been playing for like 2 months In-game Name?:Unpuremagic2 Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Survivor and Hero and i only shoot them if the have a gun or killed some Bambi's, and Bandit when I am bored Other games you play/interested in playing?: I play Minecraft, Garrysmod, Gta4(ps3), I play some saints row 4 sometimes, and terraria. Anything else you would like to add?: I don't really have anyone to play Dayz with so it would be nice to get into a group and play some Dayz.