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Everything posted by ultimateburger

  1. ultimateburger

    can´t install this mod

    You could try using Worrom's installed...www.worrom.com. And did you do everything as per the guide? http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421
  2. ultimateburger

    Stucked at loading screen

    And make sure you are actually launching DayZ using the Beta patch...no, you can't just install the beta patch and launch the game normally....
  3. ultimateburger

    Version 1.7?

    http://worrom.com/ FFS
  4. ultimateburger

    Either i cant coonect or get disconected

    Yeah, it's easy to install the beta patch, and entirely a different thing to actually run the game using the beta patch. Do a search on the forum for "beta". There are many guides and plenty of tips...it can be a little different depending on how you're currently launching the game.
  5. ultimateburger

    Your stupidest death

    Ladders and the "V" button are death traps.
  6. ultimateburger

    Version 1.7?

    You could try downloading Worrom's installer and running that. It's worked for me.
  7. ultimateburger

    Either i cant coonect or get disconected

    Do you have the ARMA 2 beta patch installed? Are you running the game using the beta patch?
  8. ultimateburger

    Help please :)

    Did you follow all the instructions as described in one of numerous guides on these forums? Have you installed the ARMA 2 beta patch? If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to my first sentence and look at some of the guides.
  9. ultimateburger

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    You expect zombies to be predictable? Last night for a laugh, I got a huge zombie horde chasing me through Elektro...then I ran past another survivor who was also being chased...ALL my zombies went after him, leaving me in the clear. It was hilarious. I apologized to him in chat after I saw him die.
  10. ultimateburger

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    Hard to say what would be a typical Stary run. When I went through just the tents, I came across an AKM + a bunch of ammo.
  11. ultimateburger

    Day Z all but frozen, unplayable

    Blueparrot: Dumb question, but are you using a pirated version of the game? ARMA 2 might be one of these games that degrades your play experience over time if you have a pirated copy. 2nd thing, as stated above, is the game using your graphics card(s)? I know on my Alienware laptop, I need to make sure I enable my graphics card in the BIOS, and then make sure I have "hybrid" graphics enabled in the nVidia control panel. Also, add "-winxp" to your launch commands in your target line…this made DayZ use both my available GPUs, and not just one. Try defragging your hard drive as well.
  12. ultimateburger

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    In DayZ, do you really go anywhere without interruption? Hey look, lemme check that barn…hey look, I'll just go loot that church…hey look a deer stand…hey look a helicopter crash…hey look another player…OH GOD HE ISN'T FRIENDLY, RUNRUNAWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now where did I wind up…(check map, check compass, check sun, look for road)...
  13. ultimateburger

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    Yep. In the southern cities, you're dealing with less-well-equipped players, and a lot of newer players. Up in the North/Northwest, you're much more likely to encounter active player hunters.
  14. ultimateburger

    Massive Lag since 1,7,0,0

    I had issues last night with lag/red connection problems.
  15. ultimateburger

    Cannot play/edit this mission

    I had a similar problem, and I found that re-installing DayZ AFTER installing the beta patch fixed my problem.
  16. ultimateburger

    You know DayZ is something special when...

    To be fair, I tooled around for a while before finding out that the forums were hacked, accounts deleted, etc etc.... Back on topic, that is hilarious that you scavenged your old Xbox for the heatsink. You have demonstrated the ingenuity and scavenger spirit that will serve you well in the zombie apocalypse.
  17. ultimateburger

    We've got it too easy

    One thing that I think should be added is some random zombieness out in the wilderness. Currently, I can sprint through the woods non-stop without zombie-fear. If there was the odd zombie here and there, I'd have to travel a little more carefully…especially since any gunshot in the wilderness could put a bandit or two on your tail.
  18. ultimateburger

    Help Me!

    If you can't get it sorted out otherwise, uninstall Arma 2/Combined Ops, and re-install from scratch, using the guide: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421 It can be finicky.