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Everything posted by ultimateburger

  1. ultimateburger

    Can I run DayZ

    What kind of graphics card does that thing have?
  2. ultimateburger

    No messages recieved for x seconds...

    Last night I got hit with the "No message received for xx seconds" thing until I got disconnected. There were also a few spikes of red/yellow connection issues. Sometimes these things rear up...most of the time I've had no issues.
  3. ultimateburger

    Will upgrading my hardware even fix FPS Lag?

    Vyktar, what is your current FPS like? What are your current graphics options set to in DayZ?
  4. ultimateburger


    Follow the GUIDE: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421
  5. GIVE ME YOUR BEANS!!!!!!!!!!
  6. ultimateburger

    Hard Performance Problems :S

    Search around on these forums and also google "ARMA 2 performance tips"...lots of different tricks for upping frames per second.
  7. ultimateburger

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    Turning shadows to "Normal" puts the load on the CPU. Keeping shadows at High or above keeps the load on the GPU. So, even though it's counter-intuitive, you'll want shadows on High (unless you can turn them right off...can't remember if "Off" is an option for shadows).
  8. ultimateburger

    2 Big problems, Please some one help !

    The BIS Beta is the ARMA 2 Beta patch...instructions can be found in the install guide in this forum.
  9. ultimateburger

    Problem with FPS

    Is the Radeon 6850 a dual-gpu card? Download a program like GPU-Z and ensure that DayZ is making use of your GPU(s)...
  10. ultimateburger

    Retrying to Authenticate

    Install and run the game using the beta patch...instructions are on these forums for using the beta patch.
  11. ultimateburger

    This is the MOST antisocial game ever

    I like the current mechanics just fine regarding PvP. I've had plenty of "random" encounters that lead to me and someone else teaming up.
  12. ultimateburger

    pls help

    Do you have the Beta patch installed? Have you tried reinstalling DayZ/updating it with Worrom's? www.worrom.com
  13. ultimateburger

    Cannot play at all.

    Also, try using the ARMA 2 beta patch. Instructions in this guide: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421
  14. ultimateburger

    That Hearbeat Kind of music

    I play with the music off...sound is too important in this game.
  15. ultimateburger

    HELP! :(

    Or use Worrom's installer? www.worrom.com
  16. ultimateburger

    artifacting, arma II and dayz

    Hmm. Dunno, haven't seen this problem before. This is on a laptop?
  17. ultimateburger

    Upgrade to find worse FPS...

    Yeah, when changing your motherboard, a clean install normally works best. What version of Windows are you running?
  18. YES This is what Alpha state is for - trying out concepts and seeing what works. This will make the beginning stages even more intense.
  19. ultimateburger

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Sounds like good changes to the zombie AI. Seems they'll have an easier time noticing players, but players should have an easier time losing the horde (you can hide on them now). A big step forward!
  20. ultimateburger

    Unique Zombies

    Yeah, this is something to worry about for the final version of the game...not in the Alpha... it'd be nice to have some variety though, yeah.
  21. ultimateburger

    What is "Binocular_Vector"?

    I offer 10 cans of beans for this Binocular Vector. And a Mountain Dew.
  22. Yeah, the map could actually stand to be a little smaller, given that most of it is just forests/plains. A map about a quarter the size with some more detailed cities......but I understand why this isn't available at this time.
  23. ultimateburger


    The grass is kinda frustrating because it only "hides" you at short range. Anybody in the medium-to-long range can see you just fine, because the grass draw distance isn't very far. They should just disable it for now to give everyone's FPS a boost.
  24. ultimateburger

    Massive Lag since 1,7,0,0

    What they all said..the laggy weird issues stink. The gear menu is quite frustrating...clicking stuff around takes a while to take effect and can lead to massively FUBARing your inventory if you go all clicky-clicky.