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Everything posted by ultimateburger

  1. ultimateburger

    What’s DayZ's biggest reward?

    The most rewarding thing for me is finding that next piece of good loot you've been looking for. I always try to get a hatchet/matches/knife and a couple canteens pretty quick, so I can be "self-sufficient" and live in the bush without the need to travel into towns. Once I have this stuff, I'll inevitably want a good gun, so I'll attempt to raid the NW Airfield…this can often result in death, and the whole cycle restarts. What's funny is that often my most UNrewarding playtime is when I am totally outfitted with good gear...
  2. ultimateburger

    Vigilante play

    If I see a player kill another player, and don't see a good reason, I'll often go out of my way for some vigilante justice.
  3. Well, keep up the good work, and good luck. It's a shame that a few rejects have to ruin stuff for the rest of us.
  4. ultimateburger

    Is dayz worth it?

    Yes, it's worth it. And it'll be even more worth it if they take care of the barbed wire epidemic.
  5. ultimateburger

    Wire fenced Cherno in ANZ1

    I can't believe nothing has been done about the barbed wire epidemic yet. It's ridiculous. It shouldn't be persistent.
  6. ultimateburger

    So tried using the toolbox on this...

    I was gone all weekend. Is the barbed wire still prevalent everywhere? It was out of hand.
  7. ultimateburger

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    Some performance tips: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17109 Try defragging your hard drive to start. Apparently installing ARMA 2 / DayZ can fragment your files pretty good. Also make sure you have the "video memory" setting set to "default", as that will ensure it uses all your video card's memory.
  8. I've done a fair bit of searching in order to try to maximize the number of frames per second that ARMA 2/DayZ will give me. As we know, this game engine can run systems ragged. There are tons of things that can be done to increase performance in the ARMA 2 engine, but all these suggestions can't be found in once place. I thought it might be helpful to try to compile all the tips/tricks/settings adjustments that people have used with succes to increase FPS in DayZ. Hopefully we can make a useful list of tips worthy of being stickied. Keep in mind that every system is different, so what works for one person may not work for you. I recommend using FRAPS to keep track of your in-game FPS. That way, you can make adjustments and see their impact on the fly. Without further ado…the list: If you have more than one GPU (dual-GPU card, or SLI or Crossfire configuration), add in the tag "-winxp" (minus the quotes) to the command line, the same place you add in the -mod=@dayz tag. This is the single biggest tip that worked for me (I have a 295 GTX), adding around 15 FPS. The -winxp tag makes ARMA 2/DayZ take advantage of your second GPU. Adjust shadows from Normal to High or Very High. When setting shadows to Normal or below, the CPU is used to render shadows. Setting them to High or Very High forces them to be rendered by the GPU. Disable Hyperthreading. I think the only way to do this might be in your system's BIOS. Apparently this can increase FPS in a variety of games, not just ARMA 2/DayZ. In addition to increasing FPS, this may actually decrease the power your CPU is using, and lower your CPU's temperature. Disable Postprocessing in-game. This should boost FPS. Ensure your 3D resolution and interface resolution match. Setting AA/AF as low as you can stomach always increases FPS. Defrag your hard drive. Apparently ARMA 2 can make a bit of a mess on your hard drive, and defragging can improve performance. My hard drive was 9% fragmented, and defragging it did result in a little less "stutter" in DayZ. Here's another helpful thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1355
  9. ultimateburger

    Performance Tips/Tricks for DayZ/ARMA 2

    In-game, the video memory setting should be set to "default".
  10. ultimateburger

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I've never had a problem finding guns and/or melee weapons. Barns are typically the easiest/quickest place to find them.
  11. ultimateburger

    Sniper Wars - the Lulz

    I've only insta-died from a sniper once in my 40 hours of play time. It was when I spawned back in on the hills overlooking Stary Sobor. Got capped within a couple seconds. My fault. I will never again log out it a hot spot if I can help it. As others have pointed out, you take a chance when you're in/around the NW Airfield and Stary Sobor. This is where the most well equipped players will often be found.
  12. ultimateburger

    stupid wire and tank traps

    I agree, the barbed wire everywhere has become ridiculous. It's funny seeing it a couple times, but when every loot location is blocked off, it ruins the game. Not sure if there is a way to wipe the barbed wire from servers without trashing tents/vehicles?
  13. ultimateburger

    DayZ/ARMA Causing Framerate issues.

    Have you tried defragging your hard drive with ARMA installed? Also, apparently ARMA has an anti-piracy feature where your game will degrade in quality/playability after a while.
  14. ultimateburger

    Broken legs

    You need a morphine auto-injector. Your best bet to find one of these is a hospital.
  15. ultimateburger

    1shot Makarov?

    I've been one-shotted by a Makarov before. It's the most frustrating thing in the world :)
  16. ultimateburger

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Bear traps are a good idea in theory, but it's just going to become ridiculous, like it has with the barbed wire. Geee, I wonder if anyone will think to put a bear trap at the entrance to the barracks in the NW Airfield.
  17. ultimateburger

    Excited about DayZ, can my comp run it?

    Yes, you will be able to run it, but you'll certainly need to dial down most of the graphical options.
  18. ultimateburger

    DayZ and SSD

    The answer is yes, you need Arma II and Arma II: OA on your SSD to benefit from you SSD in DayZ.
  19. ultimateburger

    Lagging in big cities

    Try defragging your hard drive. Also, here's a list of more tips: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17109
  20. ultimateburger

    Extreme griefing with barbed wire.

    Yeah, all barbed wire should be hoppable-overable. I was on a server yesterday where pretty much every building in Cherno/Elektro was wired shut. Kinda dumb.
  21. ultimateburger

    Arma II 94103 is out...

    Anyone have success running with the latest Beta? I don't want to update if it causes problems.
  22. ultimateburger

    FPS issues Gt 540m

    This thread has a good compilation of tips: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17109
  23. The game is fine as-is. My encounters with other players have been way more good than bad. Yesterday I had a funny experience…I heard a car roaring around near Elektro. Then I caught site of it. Two heavily armed players were driving around killing players and Zs alike. I tried to get away, but they ended up running me over. These guys were just driving back and forth between Elektro and Cherno killing any player they saw. It was actually kind of funny. They killed me a 2nd time, and then I just hid any time there car got near. I ended up looting some good items from other players they had killed. So yeah, not everyone takes it totally seriously, but this can add to the spectacle of the game sometimes. It was surreal to see this car running everything over in-game. Made me laugh.
  24. ultimateburger

    Islam Jihad, server nuker

    Yeah, I was on there too. Not 100% positive it was Islam Jihad that did it, but we were all insta-killed. My in-game name is "Tim". Is it possible to get our gear back after this? I had worked a while and had some pretty sweet stuff.