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Everything posted by ultimateburger

  1. ultimateburger

    Knocking people unconscious without killing them.

    If I knock someone out, I want the ability to loot ANYTHING from them. If I could ONLY loot stuff from their backpack, there is great incentive to just kill them to get access to all their gear. This concept of knocking people out is good.
  2. ultimateburger

    2 FPS

    Did trying any other servers help? Try a few different ones...sometimes the horrible FPS bug is due to the server you're on.
  3. Yeah, I'd go with the Enfield if I had to choose. Just be careful about using it. As others have said, it is LOUD. Still, the ammo won't take up all your inventory like with the crossbow. Plus, the Enfield is good against other players.
  4. ultimateburger

    Central DB one huge disadvantage

    I like it the way it is.
  5. ultimateburger

    560ti temp/fan noise

    Yeah, your GPU fan kicks into gear as it gets hotter. ARMA 2/DayZ can really heat up a computer. You could always try adding more exhaust fans to your case, but that is more noise as well.
  6. ultimateburger

    epic car chase with me on the motorcycle

    Cool video. It does look like you try to DC at the end, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since you had the chance to escape from them many times.
  7. I agree with the OP, this is one of the best gaming experiences I've had in years. This and Skyrim. The fact that I'm mentioning DayZ (a free mod in Alpha state) with Skyrim says something.
  8. I just wanted to be included in the idiot club.
  9. ultimateburger

    1hr 17min hatchet chase

    Generally, slaughtering players who don't have weapons is a waste of effort. This guy chasing you around was a grade A moron.
  10. ultimateburger

    Helicopter crash sites

    I found a crash site last Thursday (June 28), but nothing spawned at it. No zombies, no loot. Just a helicopter carcass.
  11. ultimateburger

    Game locks up immediately upon spawn.

    Weird. Maybe try reverting to an earlier Beta patch? Also, upgrade your CPU :)
  12. ultimateburger

    Sunny VS Overcast

    I've heard of this before. Are the weather conditions actually different for the two of you, when standing next to each other? Is your sky cloudy, and his clear?
  13. ultimateburger

    Disk or download?

    I always prefer the download version of games because it means I don't accumulate stuff. Although it takes a while to download ARMA 2 Combined Ops, so keep that in mind.
  14. Like so many others. But, when not playing DayZ, the next best option is to talk about DayZ.
  15. Sounds to me like the guys that let you get close were pretty naive. "Hey, this guy running at me with a hatchet, are you friendly?"
  16. My favourite thing to do when I got outfitted with great gear was to camp in the outskirts of Cherno/Elektro and shoot other well-equipped players. Judging by the number of well-equipped players I encountered, a lot of others shared this concept.
  17. ultimateburger

    Am I evil for doing this?

    Normally players moving in groups tend to shoot first and ask questions later. If they had seen you with your Enfield, they probably would have killed you. Probably. I typically will observe other players from a distance and not engage…when they start coming towards your location, though, it makes it real tough. If you move, you'll be visible to them, and that gives them the opportunity to shoot first. The best thing to do from a survival perspective is to shoot first. If you're feeling brave and charitable, you can always shoot their legs out and then make a break for it and hope that you can escape before they heal themselves.
  18. Shoot the well-equipped guys, help out the unarmed fresh spawns...it's how I operate. Chances are if you have good gear, you're going to shoot anyone else that has a gun, because they would do the same to you. Having a lot to lose = quick trigger finger It's exactly the way it should be.
  19. ultimateburger

    I hit the JACKPOT!

    I second the idea of dropping loot along the coast to help out fresh spawns. The beginning stage of a life in DayZ is the toughest part to make it through alive, so some decent gear along the coast would be most beneficial!
  20. ultimateburger

    *An Idea* How About An In Game Meet?

    Someone would inevitably start shooting. Good luck though!
  21. ultimateburger

    What’s DayZ's biggest reward?

    The problem with Elektro/Cherno/other bigger cities at this point is the god damned barbed wire. It's everywhere, and needs to be nuked. I'm going to stick to the smaller towns for now, as I know I'll actually be able to get IN buildings when I sneak up to them.
  22. ultimateburger

    What’s DayZ's biggest reward?

    It did suck hard...but you get over it, and I started over and am having a great time…although I really wish I could find some frickin matches! They seem to be eluding me.
  23. ultimateburger

    What’s DayZ's biggest reward?

    Yeah, the more stuff you get makes it that much more painful when you eventually die. I had a terrific level of loot and then someone used a kill all command on the server I was in. It really stunk.
  24. ultimateburger

    Wire fenced Cherno in ANZ1

    Yeah, supermarkets are pretty important in the earlier stages of a character…best place to stock up on food/drink and get a bigger backpack. The barbed wire situation is just totally out of hand, and that's all there is to it.