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Sam Winchester

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About Sam Winchester

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sam Winchester

    [SA]Suggestion: Don't show server populations

    Whatever system it ends up being I feel like the most important thing is limiting the ability to just free roam for gear in an empty server then hop into a populated one at will, really takes a lot out of what they are trying to accomplish and what I'm sure most of the fans are looking for.
  2. Sam Winchester

    DayZ Standalone - Idea's And Updates!!

    I really feel like most of your ideas here really don't sync with what they are trying to achieve with DayZ.. Try thinking of it as more of a simulator instead of a game (I know its a game), and maybe that will give you more of an understanding of what the devs and most of the fans are looking for. An authentic experience. But hey thats just my 2 cents.