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Everything posted by ShutterflySucks

  1. ShutterflySucks

    KHAOS-Gaming's Offical AfterMath Server!

    dude humvees and suvs on the server better then the stupid cars lol they realy slow but this is way cooler
  2. ShutterflySucks

    KHAOS-Gaming's Offical AfterMath Server!

    dude first aftermath server omg lol and i know khaos they got good servers good admins so i sure go on that lol
  3. i hear about events they sound realy cool imma check out i have chopper so i be quick ))))
  4. there are like these new bases and theyre stupid big good loot and stuff and the ai missions are realy cool with good weapons hard to
  5. i had chopper fight last night they realy went on me but i didnt got killed and ppl helped me out :D
  6. Lol i found an apache here with hydras and working gunner seat. also many missions.
  7. Met some really nice people on the server. They really help you out to build bases and get vehicles.