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Posts posted by karasshadow

  1. Ladies and Gents i have found the answer of how to disable this!!!!


    If you have access to you server config files such as vilayer or HFB click on 


    -Configuration files


    -then go to the file / "config.cfg" of you battleye


    and look for this are

    # Kick players who has listed chars in their nameDisallowPlayerNameChars	= []{}()0123456789

    and change it to this by adding a " # "

    # Kick players who has listed chars in their name#DisallowPlayerNameChars	= []{}()0123456789

    this will dissable that problem.!!!

  2. the issue stems from the newly enabled 'BEC' battleye extended controls, the bad word file has been enabled but we don't have the  permission to edit what words are disallowed, so at the moment all brackets are deemed as 'bad characters'. I found this out when i installed the upgrade and enabled the 'bad words' file, jumped on my server then got kicked for 'bad characters', disabled 'bad words' and it worked like treat. Hopefully server admins will realise this before they lose there player base.

    how can i disable this text

  3. Application


    Age: 21 

    Time Zone: pacific time

    Country: USA (CA)

    Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes, i dedicate myself as much as any member would regardless of game or server being played on

    Preferred Job: Sniper/ Ranger/ Military Police 

    Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I have prior experience guiding a squad as the leader of a group called Z.E.R.O, and serving as a support and later on as a member of ESS(ELITE SCOUT SNIPERS. I am as well a specialist in the u.s armed forces working as a military police 

  4. Application


    Age: 21 

    Time Zone: pacific time

    Country: USA (CA)

    Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes, i dedicate myself as much as any member would regardless of game or server being played on

    Preferred Job: Sniper/ Ranger/ Military Police 

    Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I have prior experience guiding a squad as the leader of a group called Z.E.R.O, and serving as a support and later on as a member of ESS(ELITE SCOUT SNIPERS. I am as well a specialist in the u.s armed forces working as a military police 

  5. Hello, have you ever wanted to enjoy the clean calm time of surviving in the middle of no where without crowded servers or to many players to deal with? or have ever wanted to ravage your enemies in a blaze of bullets? well i have the solution for you!


    Here at the Gamers Zone we promote what we love.......which is looting and stealing people s**t   :D . we also enjoy those quite dayz of just gathering as much weapons as you can possible think. So we hope you can join us in our world of wonders and remember we are her for you. :thumbsup: 


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Server info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Name:  The Gamers Zone#1- 500+ vehicles [AI missions] [self-blood] [removable parts] [auto-refuel] Active Admins - (0.2.5/103718) - Hosted By TheGamersZone



    • Overwatch 0.25


    • self blood
    • removable parts
    • AI missions
    • Auto refuel
    • and a lot more.






    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEBSITE/SERVER OFFERS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Currently we are offering possition on our server and website so please take this serios if you want to apply


    Available Positions

    • Admin(1 position/must be 18+)
    • moderator(3 positions)
    • Advertiser 

    Hello guys how are you doing? at the moment i dont have a fancy description of what the clan has to offer but what i can do is give you guys the opportunity to create and submit your ideas and be part of a clan that not only focuses n one game or single genre of video games. so i hope you will take my offer and join in with me. Like any person would want is only specific requirements in order to join:


    to join the forums:


    • the is no requirement but it is expected some level of maturity  


    to join the clan/development group


    • Be at least 16 yrs of age
    • experience writing game/gadget review
    • Computer skills (i.e:basic computer software or hardware knowledge,CSS,html,gaming server management,etc) this is not required, but would be nice.  :) 
    • Dedication and motivation
    • Have experience in the gaming community and the latest New in technology
    • Finally most of all be mature and have common sense, (i do act like a dork or idiot but i do take things serious when needed)

    Further more i do plan on giving incentives for joining (no currency by the way) our clan/forum:


    • Forum Premium member or Moderator*
    • Server Perks (currently on Dayz Overwatch Server only)
    • ​Access to downloads and special offers
    • And alot more coming soon

    ​I hope you guys can take this offer in consideration and can become part of this great idea. If you wish to join all you need to do is follow this format and send it to me to this email karasshadow@gmail.com


    • full name
    • age
    • where did you hear about us?
    • what member refereed you to us?(if applicable)
    • what skill do you have?
    • why do you think we should let you join(please elaborate on it)

    ​Hope to see you guys soon and work together. You can find our forums here  and thanks   :lol: 

  6. Hello guys how are you doing? at the moment i dont have a fancy description of what the clan has to offer but what i can do is give you guys the opportunity to create and submit your ideas and be part of a clan that not only focuses n one game or single genre of video games. so i hope you will take my offer and join in with me. Like any person would want is only specific requirements in order to join:


    to join the forums:


    • the is no requirement but it is expected some level of maturity  


    to join the clan/development group


    • Be at least 16 yrs of age
    • experience writing game/gadget review
    • Computer skills (i.e:basic computer software or hardware knowledge,CSS,html,gaming server management,etc) this is not required, but would be nice. :) 
    • Dedication and motivation
    • Have experience in the gaming community and the latest New in technology
    • Finally most of all be mature and have common sense, (i do act like a dork or idiot but i do take things serious when needed)

    Further more i do plan on giving incentives for joining (no currency by the way) our clan/forum:


    • Forum Premium member or Moderator*
    • Server Perks (currently on Dayz Overwatch Server only)
    • ​Access to downloads and special offers
    • And alot more coming soon

    ​I hope you guys can take this offer in consideration and can become part of this great idea. If you wish to join all you need to do is follow this format and send it to me to this email karasshadow@gmail.com


    • full name
    • age
    • where did you hear about us?
    • what member refereed you to us?(if applicable)
    • what skill do you have?
    • why do you think we should let you join(please elaborate on it)

    ​Hope to see you guys soon and work together. You can find our forums here  and thanks  :lol: 

  7. For we are those who protect and serve others

    For those Gamers who wish to be in a elite group a group of operatives that are highly skilled at shooters and zombie prevention. We are a worldwide team of soldiers who are prepared for the widely know zombie apocalypse. Our mission to sustain zombie activities among severs and terrorist prevention of any sort. This group is not for anyone we only accept the finest and the best, so decide by yourself if you have what it takes. Whose side are you in the Zombies or the Z.E.R.Os' side? 

    but don't forget !! we.re a clan /group just trying to have fun while doing our best as a team. 




    -you will obey orders from team leaders or superiors, as long as it is a reasonable and wont infringe on the mission

    *if you wish to contact the clan leader please email him to: 

    Z.E.R.OClan@hotmail.com (with our motto as your headline and this format in the body of the email)




    in game name

    what makes you think you can be part of this clan



    *currently we hold our own server where i myself train all the new guys and run exercises to develop coordination in the teams and be more successful.

    -prior "real military" experience is very welcome


