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About tim1_2

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    On the Coast
  1. The way it should be, and the way I hope it'll turn out, is that servers will individually be able to set their time. So there will always be a mix of day/night servers. Also, if the server browser would let us see the server time of day, that'd be terrific.
  2. tim1_2

    Pending Update: Build

    I agree...everything should be wiped for a fresh start. A lot of duped stuff and ridiculous tent farms are around.
  3. tim1_2

    Server 1030 - Kill all

    I don't know if it's related to the kill-all command that was run, but there was also a giant tent-farm set up right in Cherno. Seemed obviously hacked-in. Same server.
  4. At about 10:50am EST on Server US 1030, a kill-all command was run. There were about 20 of us in-game at the time.