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Coleman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Coleman (DayZ)

  1. Coleman (DayZ)

    Too many barracks and Stary Sobor tents [appeal]

    All the Hospitals are on the South/East of the map. If you want medical supplies you have to stray from the wild west.
  2. Coleman (DayZ)

    Chernarus Police Department

    Yet another Balota Ass Bandit.
  3. Coleman (DayZ)

    SA in need of private hives

    Private hives will end up ruining the game due to retarded Admins adding a shit load of un-necessary vehicles and military spawns.
  4. If I'm on my own, or in a group with any military loot it's KoS time unfortunately. Unless the player's not well geared, then it's torture time. Other than that, it's usually a friendly hello and goodbye as I run past with about 4 other people. People don't wanna piss off a squad of combat ready survivors.
  5. Coleman (DayZ)

    Guy Combat Logs While I Am Punching Him "Youtube"

    Balota Ass Bandits.
  6. Coleman (DayZ)

    Night time In Dayz SA and your thoughts?

    Night time servers separate the men from the boys, if you don't have the balls to play at night no matter how dark it is then go join a server with a different timezone. 'nuff said.
  7. Coleman (DayZ)

    How to add a flashlight to your M4 in DayZ SA

    You have to use a handguard with rails on it?! Wow!
  8. Coleman (DayZ)

    How to not be killed on sight

    Sometimes it's inevitable that you're going to die. I've been in a group with ex-squaddies playing tactical and some lone gunman's had the drop on me. You just have to deal with the death, the quicker you can deal with losing all your shit then you'll be able to get it right back (well, after they fix the loot not respawning).
  9. I want a badass Tier 1 MoH style beard!
  10. Coleman (DayZ)

    Me against 3.

    The tryhard bandit is strong with this one!
  11. Coleman (DayZ)

    DayZ - Fair Trade?

    Holding up a freshie for his blood. I pity you.
  12. Coleman (DayZ)

    Best gun for player hunting

    Everyone wants fancy rifles like the DMR (which you can't zero your range, making it crap in my eyes) and M4 Holo/RDS. Tssk... The best rifle has to be the Lee Enfield. It has common ammo spawns, high power rounds. If you can man up and handle the iron sights then it's a deadly beast.
  13. Coleman (DayZ)

    Infection Rate.. Whats All the Fuss About?

    Cry thread about the cry threads. Legit. I don't bother looking for antibiotics anymore because I usually find them on the people I slaughter.
  14. Coleman (DayZ)

    Dayz koS would be rife irl if there was an apocalypse

    There is no set way to play DayZ, it is a sandbox game where you can do what you want to do. End of discussion.
  15. Coleman (DayZ)

    Funny ways you've died.

    i ended up throwing a satchel charge out by accident (not realising that i did). Then i triggered it, blowing up the North West Airfield's barracks, taking a group of 6 survivors with me :L
  16. Coleman (DayZ)

    Best 'nade throw ever? XD

    Not sure if poster is incredibly stupid, or just has no life...
  17. Coleman (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

  18. The M4A3 CCO doesn't have any suppressed variant but there is an A1 variant with the CCO scope.
  19. Coleman (DayZ)

    [video] Hatchet vs Zombie = Homerun

    I had no idea you could do this. LOL.
  20. Coleman (DayZ)

    DMR or M14?

    Pretty much the same firing system... DMR if you like to keep your distance, M14 if you think you can 'assault' a target.
  21. Coleman (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I'm always watching...
  22. Coleman (DayZ)

    No handlebars

    Ahaha. That's epic.
  23. Coleman (DayZ)

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    Map a cell area and make it so they loose all their firearms and weaponry (including sidearms or anything which could potentially kill someone) and they have to stay there regardless of whether they kill themselves (in which case the timer should reset) or jump on another server.
  24. Coleman (DayZ)

    Autorun button and loot in small towns (2 suggestions)

    Auto-run = wedging your W key down...