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About spartichris

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. spartichris

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    How long does it take for them to come up after an update?
  2. And why isn't it detailed in the Announcements and Information section? Typically when nearly a gig of fucking data is pushed 3,000,000 people it's a nice thing to give an explanation.
  3. A zombie broke my friends fucking legs and destroyed literally every object on his entire body with less than 5 hits. The zombies are way to op for all the wrong reasons. Zombies are not supposed to fly through walls. Is that such a hard concept to understand? And don't give me that "It's in alpher" bs. They where just as pathetic in the mod. I love this game. I love Dean. But for fucks sake people. Through us a bone.
  4. spartichris

    Dayz Experience System

    Suggestions like this have been discussed and talked about before. However I think mine is unique and practical. Please give me a chance and bear with me people. Main Skill Classes Medical Medical sub-branch= Medicine&Surgical. (Suggestions!) Mechanical Mechanical sub-branch= Firearms>Vehicle>General Items (Suggestions!) Cooking Cooking has no sub-branch. (Suggestions!) When player starts you have no skills but can perform any of the actions a regardless of skill level. That is you have a very low chance of being successful at the action. That is if you have successfully completed the action you will not have done it with good quality. For example, if you were to sew an article of clothing in order to repair it the quality of the repair will not have been as good as it could be if the player had done the action many times before hand. Also an inexperienced player will have used more material to perform the repair than an experienced player would have. This entire system is to be based only on percentages. A roll of the dice if you will. Here is a pseudo-code demonstration. Start Has playerX preformed this action before? If yes roll percentage between playerSkill {Where player skill is 40 out of 100 roll between 25% and 40%} If no roll between 0% and 5% End Imagine finding a compass. The condition is "Damaged". As with optical scopes the glass of the compass is busted in such a way that the dial is completely obscured Imagine finding another compass whoes internals are completely damaged due to moisture. Yet the glass is in mint condition. Open inventory right click on the newly found compass. Drag screw-driver on compass. Select remove part. Select glass. Based on your skill level you are successful Yet you have cracked a small portion of the glass. Glass condition becomes "worn". Glass is still useable. Glass is in your inventory. Drag glass onto other compass. Select replace. Based on a roll of percentage you have successfully installed new glass. Now you have a compass. So now that you understand the gist of things I will rock the boat a little if you don't mind. Devs I'm talking to you. (morpheus.jpg). Ahem. What if instead of making the percentage of "Spawned" items lower and lower you instead implement a system such as this? Think about it. You are killing quite a few birds with this one stone. First you give players more of a reason to care about the life of the character which would impact Dayz in what I believe a very positive way. Secondly you add a whole new layer of depth and immersion to gameplay. Lastly you reduce the amount of kos because of the sheer amount of play time it will take to become fluent in one particular skill would cause players to be more apt to making friends with people of different skills. For example you could have a friend who is a medic, maybe one is a cook, the other a mechanic. By themselves they are not powerful. But together? As a cohesive band? They become an efficient unit. A normal "casual" would become a hardcore player without even realizing it. Simply because of the importance of himself to the people around him and the time he has put into becoming an expert in a particular area. Maybe I am just screaming into the wind here. What do my fellow Dayz players think of all this?
  5. spartichris

    Is Dayz over?

    As all of us know Dean "Rocket" Hall is leaving Dayz. When Notch left Minecraft the game became an autistic catastrophe of horses and dildos. What will happen when Dean leaves? Who will be the new leader? I have a prediction. Bohemia will fuck it up the moment he is gone. Dayz will dwindle to nothing as it becomes the WarZ all over again. Dean will make a new game a decade from now. You will see it in a short article in the back of a PCGamer mag. You will be like "Oh that guy! Who is he again?". Maybe I am just being pessimistic. But seriously how is this going to turn out for the better? For anyone? Also why now Dean? The game is progressing quite quickly but even then we are nearing quarter 2 and we don't even have functioning rope yet. We will be lucky if we have hunting by July. The game development has hardly begun and already this? Even Eurogamer half-heartedly said this would be a blow to the community. I have a feeling this will "blow" a lot more than just us. Maybe I am just screaming into the wind. I am not trying to make drama in the forums but seriously I just need someone to sit me down and explain, *why the fuck Dean*? I read the article. All I saw was "I don't want to tell Bohemia what to do. I don't like yelling at people. I quit." What the roller blading fucking Christ is going on here? Hold on I need to raise my window binds and check for flying pigs. BRB.
  6. spartichris

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    What’s the point in having a first person only option for server side if clients can't fucking search for it in the filter..??? Also what "customizations" does the server have now? A little elaboration can go a loooooong way folks.
  7. spartichris

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    What’s the point in having a first person only option for server side if clients can't fucking search for it in the filter..??? Also what "customizations" does the server have now? A little elaboration can go a loooooong way folks. Well I guess it's back to Metro then.
  8. OUR MISSION CNDA (pronounced "ken-da") is a global entity comprised of chernarian nationalist dedicated to the cleansing of the infected scourge that plagues our beloved homeland. CNDA is also dedicated to the extermination of all insurgents operating within the region of Chernarus. SHORT-TERM GOALS CNDA's short term goals are to seize and maintain absolute control over the coastal region and neutralizing any and all insurgents exploiting survivors in and around the coastal region of Chernarus. This mission is primarily focused on maintaining a safe haven for the cities of Chernogorsk and its sister Elektrozavodsk. LOYALTY CNDA is committed and loyal to its brothers and sisters and as such any and all CNDA survivors will be provided with any and all necessities within reason. CNDA survivors will be provided with the minimum following but not limited to; A rifle, ammo, back-pack, rations (food and water), and any clothing available that may be more effective than what the survivor is currently sporting. CNDA will also attempt to establish a form of health care wherever possible. LONG-TERM GOALS Our ultimate objective is to restore Chernarus to its former glory and to uncover more evidence to substantiate our allegations against the Russian Federation for warcrimes during the 2009 chernarian revolution and to what most of us believe the cause for the current situiation regarding the biological anomlous entities that plague our country. RECRUITMENT To join the CNDA initiative simply repeat the CNDA maxim. Crusading is encouraged. To enlist a brother or sister one does not have to be of any particular rank or standing within the community. Simply ask the initiate to recite the Maxim. POLICY While CNDA is a community driven militant organization we do not condone the following. -KOS- CNDA understands that every contact situation is unique to the circumstances surrounding the confrontation of an unknown survivor. This being said CNDA strongly advises that when an unknown encounter has been made the CNDA operative is to make a reasonable attempt at subduing or neutralizing the entity by some diplomatic or non-lethal manner. If no reasonable means of peaceful compromise can be made the entity in question shall be immediately deemed an enemy of the nation and shall be dispatched by any means necessary. -Unprofessionalism- As a CNDA operative you are expected to uphold the highest echelon of professional conduct in every task you undertake. The caliber and effectiveness of this nationalist unity depends on each and every one of you. Our success is derived souly from the individual level of competency from all of our brothers and sisters. The CNDA Maxim I swear by my country, my creed, my honor, and my sword. I will defend Chernarus and her children with courage and love. I will fertilize her soil with the blood of our enemies and tend to her progeny with devotion and fervor. For this land is the land of my mother, my sisters, and my brothers and the line of my people back to the beginning. I will live to defend and die to protect. All Hail Chernarus.
  9. Ok, so here is my pitch for realistic Dayz cell phones. Premise Player does not spawn with a phone. Phones are fairly rare but not uncommon throughout Chernarus. I have done my research and cellular towers can easily run for decades without human maintenance. As for the issue of electricity; a cellular tower does not take very much power. Usually 20w its standard for a tower operating without any usage. 60 or less people is not considered "in use". There is a functional hydroelectric dam near Electrovodsk. I feel that the fact that the only worthwhile means of communications in Dayz (sidechat/external-program) are very obtrusive and immersion-less concepts. Mechanics Each player is given a unique randomly generated number at spawn by the server regardless of whether they have a phone. The number will be view-able in the inventory diary/contact list. Batteries; batteries are crucial and rare. Your cellphone has limited battery. However the battery may be charged given the player is near a generator (charge battery animation). Generators are vital. In the post-apocalyptic world electricity still exist whether you like it or not and needs to be incorporated in the game. Generators also power batteries to your GPS. You can also send text messages and pictures through the cell-phone. Video cameras (not cell phone) would be great too. Imagine sitting up on a hill and recording a murder and leaving the tape for someone to find to put into their camera and watch. Also audio tape recorders (AA-bateries) could be used in creative ways as well. Cell phones also have a ring or vibrate function which can be altered via the scroll wheel or menu/right-click. Server Admins could also pre-load all phones with admin numbers so they may be reached if need be. (Just a thought) You could also block specific numbers. Zombies/players can hear a cellphone ring. You can obtain two cellphones and drop one using your other cell to call that one effectively creating a baiting technique or a diversion. You could also do this to find your tent if you cant remember where it is. GPS tracking devices would also be interesting as hell. You could use them to keep track of players in your squad for coordinated attacks. Or you could use them to track an enemy vehicle! Discussion All of this is completely possible from a technical standpoint with the Arma engine. I could only find one other thread about this and it wasn't that great. I want a discussion and not just "great idea" or "gay". Electricity is just a touchy and seldom talked about feature that could be incorporated in Dayz. While the possibility at first may seem limited I would ask of you to just think of the implications of possessing a cellphone or camcorder etc. in Dayz would be. I personally would love to see this done.