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Everything posted by Psibattyboy

  1. Is it just me or is it a tad bit odd that the creators of this brilliant are all banned hackers from dayzrp? Honestly, what do you expect to achieve with this server place. I mean seriously. For example your player base will be composed of this: 1) Banned hackers/exploiters/shit RP's from dayzrp 2) Psisyndicate fanboys such as myself who cant get into dayzrp as they are too young, too shit to write a half decent backstory, too impatient to wait for dayzrp whitelists Sounds soooo goooooooooooooood. Honestly though, it is a bit of a joke. And a pretty sad one at that. PS I can't wait to apply :) #FuckCLF#UnbanMojo#Hackersareawasteofspaceanddontdeservetheirownserverevenifitiscompletelyshitlikeyours. TLDR: Staff are known hackers, server is a joke :)