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Grumby (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grumby (DayZ)

  1. Grumby (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    For anybody wondering, I did initiate properly. I just cut the video down to the countdown. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OU1CyMuLkqI
  2. Grumby (DayZ)

    Tell Me Ur Favorite Weapon In Dayz?

    Long Range: DMR Short-Medium Range: M14 AIM Can you go wrong? Easy to use, very powerful, low recoil. Pure brilliance.
  3. Grumby (DayZ)

    solo bandit tactics

    •Location, Location, Location. Finding a group walking through an open are while you are in cover (e.g. North of Stary) is ideal. When both parties are in a forest there are pros and cons. You have the advantage of being harder to spot as you are lower in numbers and if you are lucky, the opposition will not know the map as well as you do. However, once you have been located, you're really in the shit. Plus, you have given the enemy cover. If you do find a group in a forest, stay a distance behind them and follow them until they are a few hundred metres away from the treeline , then engage. •Choice of weapon It can be very tempting to grab the rarest guns you find solely because they are rare. That can work against you in many ways. Say you snatched an SVD Camo for the above reason, you get yourself into a firefight and then you realise you have no idea how the scope's rangefinder works. You're as good as dead, Use the guns that you are best with, even if it's only a standard M4. Using a weapon that you are experianced and comfortable with will only work to your advantage. If you find yourself with some spare time, practise in the armoury and read up on guides on how to use weapons you are unsure about. Broaden your skills, have the superior knowledge over your enemy. •Paitence You just killed someone, he was holding a shiny DMR and was carrying a Coyote backpack on his shoulders. What's your next move? Run down and grab the loot. STOP. This could be the choice that sends you back down to the coast. Wait a while; 3-5 minutes minimum. You don't know whether or not the guy had friends or if someone herad the shots and is coming to investigate. Scope the surrounding areas and keep your eye on the body. Better safe than sorry. And if you're lucky, you might just catch a poor soul that made the mistake that you were about to. Just a few pointers. I could probably think of more but I'm on a phone so cba.