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Everything posted by aopfin87

  1. aopfin87

    Winchester rifle is wrong!

    I really doubt that. There were around 37 million Mosin-Nagant rifles, nearly 15 million Kar98k, 17 million Lee-Enfields and around 6 million M1 Garands made while most numerous Winchester rifle is the 1894 model with 7.5 million made and second numerous is 1892 with 1 million made. I don't see any way that Winchester repeaters could have been made more than Mosin-Nagants.
  2. aopfin87

    MERGED: Armor and protection

    Most body armor doesn't stop rifle bullets like 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, 5.56 NATO or 7.62 NATO. Those body armors that do have ceramic plates and they weight a lot. For example the Interceptor body armor weighs around 15kg with all the ceramic plates and neck and groin protection. That's as much as 16 loaded AK-47 30rd steel mags or 33 loaded M16 30 round mags.
  3. aopfin87

    A view on this whole PvP fiasco

    They are part of the game and part of the experience. If you want the game to be super easy you are playing wrong game. On the latter part I'd say good riddance. People are currently enjoying the game enormously with all servers being constantly full. Why water down everyones experience when couple a carebears like you can't cope with the difficulty and dangerous players?
  4. aopfin87

    A view on this whole PvP fiasco

    If there ever were PVE servers their character database should be separate from PVP servers so people couldn't stock up on best stuff on PVE server and then jump to PVP server to hunt others. I think most of the anti-PVP folks had no idea what they were about to get into when they got ArmA2 to play this mod. I doubt they realized half the playerbase is ArmA2 veterans who have the patience to stalk other players for hours leading to frustrating deaths to those not familiar with ArmA2 gameplay. The devs could name PVE as "carebear" mode and PVP as "hardcore" to discourage people with any self-respect joining PVE servers.
  5. aopfin87

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase, standalone. I see no point in making it ArmA3 DLC since it would force people who are only interested in DayZ buy ArmA3 and that is going to drive away some customers. Studio development with community input. Kickstarter is neat idea but people outside US without credit card can't use it. I'd prefer Minecraft style payment model, so if you get the game when it's Alpha it's cheaper than Beta and buying when Beta is cheaper than the final version.
  6. I suggest this for couple a reasons: 1. Make people think about killing others twice, idling in a bush is not going redeem their bad deeds anymore. 2. I wan't to keep my bandit skin without having to kill a noob every 2 hours. It has it's perks like better camo and since switching between skins is problematic this would also reduce that issue.
  7. I thought point of being a bandit was acquiring gear by taking it from others, not killing every player you see. Are you a bandit when you kill every noob you see without any intention to loot them? Sounds more like regular griefer.
  8. Sorry but lurking around spawns to grief others isn't for me. I'm still very much bandit to those I meet on my adventures deeper in Chernarus. :D
  9. ArmA 2 1st person is just different placement of camera on the 3rd person model so it makes the 1st person controls really awkward, like mentioned before navigating indoors is a nightmare and there's lack of sense on how the character is actually oriented like is he hidden in bush or not or does some part of him stick around a corner or not. Add nauseating headbob to all that and the only thing I do in 1st person is shooting.
  10. aopfin87

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    No, don't scrap them but make the skin change back from bandit to survivor voluntary or much harder (remove the regenerating humanity). There should be a way to visually identify PKs, otherwise the game will devolve in TDM with zombies when there's no visual cue on who is dangerous and who may not be so dangerous.
  11. aopfin87

    Food and water being used offline

    I just lost character I had played for 10 hours to this. This kind of design choice makes the game possible for only unemployed people who never go on vacation or visit their relatives. Water and food should not be consumed at all when player is logged out. Lot's of people are going to permanently quit this game if this is not fixed because Summer vacations are starting soon and you can't really expect people to be able to play the game while they are on trip or visiting relatives...
  12. I noticed the same thing. I just lost character I had played for 10 hours. How am I supposed to play this game if I'm employed or actively studying or going to vacation? Start new character for every play session?