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Everything posted by chiefhitt

  1. chiefhitt

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    As DayZ is a survival sim, gear being damaged beyond being useful in a firefight is not only accurate but extremely likely. All that needs to be done is numbers tweaking to make sure it has a chance to affect gameplay without breaking it. Much like infection chance or chance of a piece of high end gear spawning.
  2. chiefhitt

    Patch 1.8

    Thanks for the link, like the keybind 1,2,3 for different weapons. Always wanted to be able to use the hatchet on zombies without having to drop my gun or put it in my backpack.
  3. chiefhitt

    Patch 1.8

    Can someone post a link to the new change log? Havent played reg DayZ since 1.7 was released. Been streaming a lot of DayZero and Overwatch but wan't to get back to the original roots of the mod.
  4. chiefhitt

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Hello Everyone, I'm ChiefHitt. Some of you may be familiar with my stream on twitch. Www.twitch.tv/chiefhitt . I would like to invite you all to help grow interest in the mod itself and in my stream. I play with viewers and have giveaways ranging from games on steam all the way up to a full gaming pc that i built this afternoon live on stream to ship out. Just go to my passed broadcasts and it should be the first one. A little about myself, I am a warrant officer and scout pilot in the Army and stream as a hobby. However, my goal is creating the best DayZ stream out there and with the community helping me, this won't be an issue. Through my stream there has been over $2000 in prizes given away because of my loyal viewers donations. Take this as what it is exactly, me advertising and inviting you all to a relaxed and welcoming environment to enjoy the mod with myself and others. Hope to see you all there!