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Everything posted by Duckseazon

  1. Duckseazon

    My experience with Bandits

    sounds like the game needs more incentives for helping other players ^^
  2. Duckseazon

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    this is actually a common feeling. I remember a lot of World of Warcraft players preferred non-PVP servers because they just wanted to do quests undisturbed and then stand around with friends talking all day. That was something I could never really understand myself but then I am fiercely competitive, so while I would never be considered a great PVP player in any game, I would always try and improve so that I wasn't such an easy kill for gankers and their unfillable ego. If a player or group of players hung around the area I needed to be in just to gank me, I would go somewhere else. never got camped either. for Dayz though, there are so many superior FPS games that I cannot figure out why someone would want to run around all day shooting every player they see, ignoring the mod entirely. ps: being "ganked" in Dayz is obviously more devastating than many other games, but then it would be IRL
  3. being able to manually adjust brightness etc is why so many games abandoned darkness as a gaming tool right from the start. I remember fog in Silent Hill being pretty brutal to play in, makes you wonder why devs don't use black fog or something to simulate darkness around each player [or maybe it has been tried and failed?] always hated night maps on C&C because it just made visibility horrible for you and not for the enemy AI.
  4. Duckseazon

    Bandit Stealth Style

    I agree but you're* x2 :P
  5. Duckseazon

    How I became a bandit.

    I don't think you know what the word bandit means.....
  6. Duckseazon

    Poem - Hero prayer

    WOW what a thread....Kos, you have a comedic grasp of English that very few English people have themselves. maybe I am just stupid, but the poems were mindblowingly fantastic (and enjoyable) although I am a little concerned that this part made me laugh the most
  7. Duckseazon

    Bandit Stealth Style

    it sounds like you are ganking newly spawned players and acting like you're evil for doing so. only typical b*tchmade players gravitate towards the easiest kills, usually because they get owned by any player with a weapon :P
  8. Duckseazon

    I've given up Banditry.

    you can rape?
  9. Duckseazon

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    am I the noncompoop mentioned?
  10. Duckseazon

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    dragging men into the bushes......lol could end up a lot like Silent Hill if they introduce more melee weapons. sounds like a good thing
  11. Duckseazon

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    Never played the games yet, but been reading a lot of threads and checking out videos :) when you die do you start over? (dumb question) mainly asking because I wondered how item damage will effect the current game culture. it's been pointed out that it will reduce how many players KOS, but do you think players will target specific body parts to avoid damaging items stored in other areas? how many areas can be damaged that also contain items? and will the item damage make you alter where you store items so that players don't specifically target the areas that contain the least useful items to them in most peoples setup.