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Everything posted by CR1PPER

  1. I updated to v1.8 and since then I keep getting kicked from the game with errors. First when i was knocked out by a zombie i was kicked for a public value restriction #329 and after loading back in it kept kicking me with the same error until i was conscious again. This happened every time I passed out. Now attempting to lift a backpack lying on the ground 3 times, it kicks me for AddWeaponCargoRestriction #62. Anybody else getting these or know how i fix them? Thanks
  2. CR1PPER

    v1.8 - Getting kicked.

    It is on a server I play on regularly. Oh so it's just the server? I'll get in touch with them and see what they can do. Thanks!
  3. I've only been playing about 2 weeks but the amount of friendlies I have met is shocking. From a randomer pulling up beside me on a motorbike giving me a lift, to running town to town with people I bumped into in the cities. Even a bandit saved me with his own bandages and blood bags in Elektro, gave me tips on where is best to go, how to avoid zombies and then went on his way (and I had a gun). And that's only a few. (Of course I've been killed plenty of time by bandits but from the short time I've played I can see there are plenty of friendlies.)
  4. Hello, I have an Amd bulldozer fx-4100 3.6Ghz, Sapphire OC HD7850 2GB and 8GB RAM. (Not sure this is all the details needed) I get around 25-30 fps in the woods and it drops to around 10-20 in the towns. I was just looking to know is that the max fps i can get from this computer? I have been looking at fixes but if anything my fps has gotten worse. Thanks.
  5. Lol i got a quick look around but haven't bought anything yet. Don't think i'll go for a water block set up though. Thanks for all the help Deebz, much appreciated! If i get stuck when I try or have doubts i'll take you up on your offer and send you a PM. Thanks again!
  6. Thanks Karmaterror, I just changed the power options to high performance from balanced and I will look into the view distance. Thanks! @ocelot20. I changed all the settings around and played with everything but nothing seemed to change it. I never get 45 - 50 anywhere, so I don't know why it's so different for us. I'll try your settings and see if it helps. Cheers! Yea Deebz, you're right! I'm going to get on the ball now and order myself a decent cooler. This sort of stuff is interesting to me and i'd love to be able to do it, so as soon as I get a cooler its go time!! Thanks for the info, great help!
  7. Well folks. I found two Windows hotfixes for AMD Bulldozers that I had never heard of. So I downloaded and installed them then ran Ccleaner and defragged. After playing there i was getting 30 - 45 fps in the woods and 22 - 35 fps in the cities with all my settings on low and everything disabled that can be. The game is a lot more playable and enjoyable now. Every once in a while it will drop down to like 7 fps and go straight back up but i can live with that. I will try gamebooster 3 and see if it helps any more and let you know. Yea Deebz, I had followed all the guides I could find and am already using all the launch options but none of them seemed to make much of a difference. I researched a little into overclocking but its all a little complicated for me. I'm happy with the fps for now but maybe soon i'll try and overclock it just to learn. Thanks everyone for the help! :)
  8. Thanks for the detailed reply Diddums. Helps a lot to know all of that! I don't really know anything about overclocking so I never bother with it, but I might just look into it just out of curiosity. I think I might get an SSD anyway just to have and wait for the standalone to come out as you say. Yea Sula, It is still playable if i'm looking for loot and just avoiding zombies, but if I am in a city or I need to fire it's just not smooth enough to aim or shoot. So I was looking for a way to gain a few fps to make it better. I'm fairly new to the game and I enjoy it so i'll just play on and wait for the standalone. :)
  9. Yea, I put all the settings to low and still no change in fps. Even followed a few guides to change a few settings in the CFG files but didn't work. I was looking into SSD's too but do you think they don't make much difference? Thanks Skypill. It's maybe time i thought about upgrading my CPU. I don't know much about this sort of stuff and I am not even sure if the graphics card I have is good enough.