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Everything posted by darkkilla32

  1. darkkilla32

    Just some questions

    I'm interested in soon purchasing a dayz overwatch server i do not know which host to use i have heard pros and cons to a lot of them. the thing is i don't even know how to install custom addons to the server or configure so i would need a server host willing to help me or a really good set of tutorials to watch or read so if anyone can recommend a good server host and server configuring tutorial it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi im going to get an overwatch server very soon and would like to add custom vehicle soawn points and buildings I was wondering if the arma 2 3d editor method works with the overwatch mod and then using a program such as this http://opendayz.net/threads/tool-cusom-vehicle-spawns.10580/ to install it to the database. If it helps I plan on hosting with HFB. Thank you.
  3. darkkilla32

    Adding vehicle spawn points

    Im asking here because that didnt really answer what I was asking
  4. when i go to the order part theres only chernarus no overwatch is it after purchase that i choose overwatch?