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About darkkilla32

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. darkkilla32

    Adding vehicle spawn points

    Im asking here because that didnt really answer what I was asking
  2. Hi im going to get an overwatch server very soon and would like to add custom vehicle soawn points and buildings I was wondering if the arma 2 3d editor method works with the overwatch mod and then using a program such as this http://opendayz.net/threads/tool-cusom-vehicle-spawns.10580/ to install it to the database. If it helps I plan on hosting with HFB. Thank you.
  3. when i go to the order part theres only chernarus no overwatch is it after purchase that i choose overwatch?
  4. darkkilla32

    Just some questions

    I'm interested in soon purchasing a dayz overwatch server i do not know which host to use i have heard pros and cons to a lot of them. the thing is i don't even know how to install custom addons to the server or configure so i would need a server host willing to help me or a really good set of tutorials to watch or read so if anyone can recommend a good server host and server configuring tutorial it would be greatly appreciated.