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Everything posted by sp4rkr4t

  1. sp4rkr4t

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    Licking the battery, brilliant idea.
  2. sp4rkr4t

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    It's annoying but I'm sure it will be sorted soon enough.
  3. sp4rkr4t

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Stuck at loading on every server I tried. :(
  4. sp4rkr4t

    Ambulance Spawns and/or 2-3 More Hospitals.

    Random Ambulance spawns would be superb, they spawn with supplies and can be fixed up like other vehicles so we can take on a medic role travelling around healing fellow survivors.
  5. When you launch OA from the steam library you need to select launch combined operations.
  6. sp4rkr4t

    UK6 server gone mad

  7. sp4rkr4t

    MP3 player/Ipod type device.

    Sod it, in game laptop running Minecraft!
  8. sp4rkr4t

    I dont get it..

    wood + matches = fire.
  9. sp4rkr4t


    Servers can disable losing of items while swimming now? SWEET!
  10. sp4rkr4t


    CH:OFF means crosshairs off. losing global chat is just what servers are doing now. you can still talk/type when in range via direct communication.
  11. sp4rkr4t

    IF this was an actual game...

    One time fee, no need to kickstarter it as you have enough of a following already to use the minecraft model.
  12. Never mind fixed it, seems it was a crap download of DayZ, grabbed it again and all works fine.
  13. Never had this problem before today but I've just finished re-installing windows onto my shiny new SSD, then installed Steam and downloaded Arma 2:OA and the dayz files along with beta patch, but whenever I try to run dayz either through the steam launcher with the options you have here or through the beta shortcut in the OA folder I'm getting these errors. Anyone got any other ideas?
  14. sp4rkr4t

    UK looking for team ups

    Fellow Uk survivor here as well, uncertaingod is my steam Id if you want to add me, mainly been soloing myself but wouldn't mind some company to share the beans with.
  15. Can confirm the zed's search ability does lag the game out quite a bit, had one find me only to massively overshoot so far he fell off a hill and died.
  16. It's a valid point actually, hadn't really considered this before but I have to say I agree completely.
  17. sp4rkr4t

    Jerry can + Box of Matches!

    My guy would kill for a smoke right now, and hell yes to using petrol for a larger variety of uses including building a flaming torch to carry around.
  18. sp4rkr4t

    1.7.1 Help

    No weapon is the point of this patch, as for the other stuff it's because the server is still running an old version of DayZ.
  19. I think once the hotfix for this patch comes out and you get on a server actually running 1.7.1 instead of just claiming they are in the description the game has taken yet another step forward.