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Lord Snapcase

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  1. Lord Snapcase

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    pre disclaimer: I have used Caps in this post for emphasis but please do not read it as 'shouting' I just couldn't be bothered to go in and replace all the caps with bold text. Not angry, just quizzical amusement and a little bit of pity. No i hate EA. But i have visited the sim city 2013 forums a while ago to shit on them. And now you're here doing the same to the Dayz forums, well done. I haven't bought the game. I play it over my friends account. And I would suggest that you don't buy it, obviously we'd miss your unique perspective on things but I'm sure we'd cope. Again great feedback from all of you! You really don't deserve it, what is the point of giving you feedback when you stubbornly refuse to listen to reason and blatantly refuse to debate any counter points that don't fit into your entitled view that "This game needs MOAAAR and if you have to reduce the map to 20% of it's current size then YOU SHOULD because I WANT IT and TO HELL with the thousands of players who have loved Bohemias' previous games and are willing to love this one when it is finished. Old games are not nessesary bad games. There is a huge amount of old games, which are more fun to play than many of the new, so called, triple A titles. The most important aspect of any game is, that you get sucked into the world and forget everything else around you for a few hours. Yep, I agree, I quite like playing chess for instance, but after playing it I don't go onto the chess forums and complain "WHY no stealth ninja pawns? why no exploding bishops? and why can't I dig tunnels so that I can get underneath the enemy?. To achieve that, the game should have as less as possible, so called, immersion-breaking moments. These are moments like: - running against an invisable wall because you reached the end of the level." Correct me if I'm wrong but I've yet to hit an invisible wall at the edge of any Bohemia level, they generate procedural terrain which goes on infinitely, I thought you'd played arma games? - solid objects like a railway or road stop to exist when you reach the end of the map. So Chenaurus should be sat in a giant crater, and we REALLY want the dev team to spend their time enclosing all the edges of the MASSIVE map which is Chenaurus. - beeing unable to jump or climb certain points of the maps which look climbable. This is not and never will be Assassins creed thankfully, Even though I believe there is room in the world for a zombie parkour game, this isn't it, Maybe you should consider buying Dying light when it is released? I might be tempted into giving it a go but if it's anything like dead island their previous game, it'll be worth only one play through. - beeing unable to destroy even wooden objects Plenty of people have given you reasons for this but you refuse to counter them with any argument other than "other games has this, why not Dayz?" Even though you should by now have realised that adding in thousands of moveable objects that the server has to track ON TOP of the thousands of zombies and in-game inventory objects, players and ballistics would slow any Internet game down to an unplayable crawl. - recognizing that the enemy you are hitting has almost no hitimpact-animation what so ever. It's an Alpha and If you had bothered to follow the developement process AT ALL like us so-called fan boys then you would know that the zombies(infected) have had very little dev' time and will be worked on a great deal further. - beeing unable to bounce over light objects like chairs I'm sorry, you want... bouncing? who are you? Tigger? - textfade-ins and teleports replaceing player animations Alpha, please learn what this word means, Dean Hall has already mentioned (research again) that he thought it would be a good idea at the time and as a place holder it works but he's looking at changing it and has already given us indicators in the inventory. Take this scenarios as an example: Scenario 1: I am in dayz, have no ammo at all, or have wastet my last shoot and a, with an firearm armed, bandit is chaseing me into a building. I am running up into the first floor and he follows me with a distance of only 10 meters. -How fun would it be if i could smash the wooden window-frame in the room of the first floor with an axe , climb out of the window dangle on the roof of the window and from there jump down onto the ground,while he is running into the room sees the smashed window, looks down, sees me running into the forest near the house, takes a last shot and barely misses. You may not be able to smash open the window but with the new jumping It IS possible to exit certain windows by jumping through them, IF you had bothered to follow developement you would have seen Hicks do exactly this in a previous stream. Scenario 2: Imagine there would exist an actual indoor ligthing system, like it is standart for all other games since many years ago. And you want to loot a bigger house which is totally barricaded, with nailed up windows, so that only a small amount of light can shine into the house. The Inside of the house is not completly dark but dark enough that some bandit, or a bandit group, could hide in the shadows of the cant over furnitures or in lockers, with their shotguns pressed against the walls of the locker, just waiting so that you can come close enough to pum you full with shotgun shells. Again do your research, the lighting is being worked on so that hopefully flashlight beams will not penetrate walls, but this is EARLY ALPHA. -How fun would it be if you could actuall hide in furnitures like lockers or crawl through (selfmade) holes in the floor under the wooden planks of the floor. So that you can slowly crawl under the enemy and shoot him from under the floor while he is standig on the floor. -How fun would it be to flood the whole ground with gasoline, out of petrol cans, waiteing untill the enemy group walks in and then ligthing the ground on fire, while they are standing in the middle of the gasoline-flooded room. A great deal of fun I'm sure, but these scenarios are just day dreams,like my chess example earlier, but they are YOUR daydreams and are not necessarily shared by the dev team who are making the game THEY want to play rather than what YOU want to play. But for that kind of cat and mouse games you would need an actual dynamical lighing engine and some kind of particle engine, which simulates the dispersion of the fire. And an fluid engine so that the enemys have the chance to spot the wet floor .And you would need actual furniture and items in the house, instead of almost compleetly empty rooms, which are not designed to have interessting gameplay in them, because its much more importand to render that region where you where hiking, and took all the pictures with your camera, geographically corect , instead of building some fictional buildings which have big enough rooms with enough furniture and items in it to generate interresting indoor gameplay. Again research, or even just read the previous posts in the thread YOU made. Game developement (or any design procedure) is never successful when they just say "throw everything in" Being a designer myself I'm fully aware that design is a decision making process, you either generate lots of ideas and throw out the worst (or the unacheivable given the constraints), or you generate those ideas and select the best (again, within the constraints). As has already been explained to you, the constraints that the devs are under include: The clients hardware, the security issues ( hence them spending months on coding the usual arma scripting functions into C+, developing the Network bubble and making an increasing number of functions server rather than client side, you know developing the foundation),The size (which we all love) of the map, the amount of players, interactive objects, zombies etc. Maybe it hasn't occured to them to throw all of the work that has so far gone into the dev of the game so that YOU get to push a chair over or hide under the floor because it was fun in that movie you had going on in your head. And you know what? If you were truly invested in these ideas you could always post them in the suggestions part of the forum. Games like far cry 3 for example have a great fire engine: Meh, "ooh pretty fire" didn't make me want to play farcry more than once, so £30 for 30 -40 hrs play max, doesn't come close to the thousands of hours spent playing Arma2 or the Hundreds of hours playing the FREE dayz mod. Look, for example, at the indoor areas of this division trailer at 1:19 min . I cant get enough of how much love they put in every detail of the indoor areas. YAY division! INSPIRED BY DAYZ they've thrown millions of dollars into developing a trailer which gives us no idea about the size of the game, the scope, the originality, how many players a server can handle and how many servers it will take to run the map, all we've seen so far are pretty dreams and promises but for all we know it could take another 5 years to make,have rubbish gameplay and require you having an uber pc to run it even close to as pretty as it looks, let's face it at the moment that game is nothing more than a twinkle in the devlopers eye. And when it comes out and irt doesn't meet your every exacting requirement, never mind, you can just not buy it and in to paraphrase you , you can enjoy "visiting their forums to shit on them". Welcome to MythBusters: The "Bohemia Interactive has no financial possibility" myth Stop acting like Bohemia Interactive is a small developmentstudio, which is just in the moment developing its basic programming tools and infrastructure. Bohemia Interactive (BI) is around until Operation Flash Point. They where foundet 1999: http://en.wikipedia....mia_Interactive Every small developmentstudio would be exuberantly happy if they had only a small part of the financial possibilitys BI has and had for over 10 years. They made so much money with there products, just look at the steam sales of dayz standalone "alpha". If they have no money at the moment , than just because of bad managment and spending money for things which are unnessesary for the gamedevelopment. Maybe you should write to them with your C.V. If you succeed in taking over in a management capacity you can start to dismantle a much respected and unique developer and start to knock out the "Battlefieldstylegamewithzombies" that you so dearly wish Dayz to be. Or maybe you could go work for mythbusters, I'm sure they'd be really impressed with advance research abilities and scientific reasoning. The "Dayz is only in development for 5 month" myth Dayz is arma2 multiplayer, only renamed and rebranded. If you look at it there is now way that you can say that this game is an indipendent game. So by 'looking at it' you can see the code behind it can you? It's already evident that the way the dayz engine handles thing is significantly different to how arma2 or the mod handled things, because it's an alpha and not fully optimized yet we get to 'see' the differences. For example, when you move things around or combine things in the inventory there is slight delay and the pop up text will say 'receiving'. this shows that the client is having to contact the server to see if the action is viable. This may seems like a small thing but it has Huge implications, it means that the server has ultimate control over inventory items which gives the game a huge defence against hacking and a way of controlling all inventory items in the game.This game is NOT arma2, it just looks a bit like it. -Its almost (to an degree over 90%) the same map than in arma 2 If it aint broke don't fix it. -Its the same engine (beside of some shadow improvements which are not even as good as in arma 3, and volumetric clouds) Brilliant engine for large scale military warfare retooled for large scale zombie apocalypse,and your problem is? -Its even so that it has less weapons and items than arma 2 multiplayer. As you have ignored the rational feedback of several posters I'ma gonna ignore your request to not use the alpha thing, IT'S ALPHER! Its not only arma 2 mp renamed , its less than that . It has not anymore all the weapons and items and fanmade contet which arma 2 mp and the day z mod had a year ago. And arma 2 was released 29th of may 2009 , even the dlc "operation arrowhead" was released 27th of june 2010. They're building a solid FOUNDATION, If they wanted I'm sure they could instantly bring in a shedload of content from previous games, BUT they are going through a DESIGN process and will pick and choose carefully which items they wish to have in their game. Mods are a separate issue as they could run into legal issues if they threw other people work into the game without permission, and really, do you think that every mod that Arma eventually had,(thousands of 'em) was released the same day that the game came out? So if dayz "standalone" has almost the same map as arma 2 + indoor areas + itemsystem + better static shadows and volumetric clouds, than tell me why should i not be allowed to say that dayz is in development and therefore in alpa for almost 3 years ? You ARE allowed to say it, but you're wrong. The map has had loads of work done to it, a radical redesign of the north, new areas, new buildings, most buildings now enterable etc.And the Dayz Standalone has been in developement for about 12 months. Actually its more than 3 years now because the game is only a rebrandet arma 2 with even less contetn and over 90 % of the residual contet absoulut identical !! The F1 McLaren has been in development for hundreds of years because erm.. stagecoaches had wheels. Just because they have added indoor areas + itemsystem + better static shadows and volumetric clouds its not a indipendet game. You cant be serious with that. Network bubble, server/client architecture, new skeleton, new zombie pathing system (unfinished 'cause... ALPHA), New map areas, wrecked ship, apartment complex, new animations, new inventory system, new lighting system, oh and volumetric clouds. movements,.............,large amount if npcs at the same time (zombies or other). Arma2 has vehicles, 225km2 terrain, structure destruction, player movement, large amount of npc's, The icing on the cake that YOU want may be possible but there's no point in implementing it when nobody has the pc or the network infrastructure to actually run it. But is it more important to have a 225 km^2 mapsize or a proper indoor lighting engine or some proper indoor areas at all, which are not total empty, look mostly the same, have all almost the same size and form and have absolutely no gameplay value beside of looting a 12 m^2 room after the other , at all. Yes the large map size IS important to the thousands of player who bought the game before even the DEVS wanted it to be released. We all like it so much that the Devs released it way earlier than they would have liked because thousands of player were BEGGING them to. And not many of them were worried about the pretty pretties that you seem to need. Why can you possible think that it is a good idea to create a 225km^2 big map, with almost no interesting indoorareas at all , and put towns with almost only small 12 m^2 big rooms, town for town, on the map?What would change if the area would not be 225 km^2 large but instead of this a quarter of this. Nothing with only 100 players on the map. "only 100 players on the map " (insert facepalm meme here). As has already been explained to you, the game and map have been an innovation based on an outstanding engine capable of rendering huge view distances and enabling air to air combat, why would they cripple this, especially just to add moveable chairs? Why would they throw it this huge environment capable of being run on a single server with no loading screens for the cosmetic rubbish that you so dearly want? If they did they would be destroying the game that thousands of people have shown their support for by BUYING the game, (unlike you who hasn't supported this at all). -You say no game has all of that properties you enumerate. You are right - I say no game , beside of a few games like Alien:Colonel Marines , Duke Nukem Forever maybe Gothic 3, has done not one of the points you have mentioned (Im not talking about all , im talking about only 1) in an somehow acceptable form. Hard to decipher this last part, so I'm guessing that English isn't your first language, in which case kudos for knowing more than one language. But to address What I believe to be your point: No there isn't a single game out there which has everything YOU want, nor will there be a single girl, job, house, car, holiday that fits that criteria If what you want is EVERYTHING. Arma 2 <=> Dayz has : -no ragdoll In development said to be coming. -no dynamic lighting engine It has a lighting engine, what more do we need? -no indoor lighting engien at all I went into building and lit it up with my torch, That'll do for me. -no physic engine -more than 50 % of the boadymovements is done by text fade ins and/or animations with clipping errors If it had NO physics engine then NOTHING would move. At all. Body movements done by text fade in???? - no NPC s at all (comon you cant call this Zombi KI , NPC NPC = Non player character therefore zombies = NPC, but most people DON'T want little indestructible quest givers standing on the street corners, and If you want to play co-op multiplayer against teams of A.I there's a cool game called Arma just over there. - pop up problems in the environment in middle distance (grass on the ground fades out for example) You used Farcry as an example earlier, In that game (a little in 3 but LOTS in 2) You could wipe out a whole enemy squad, drive 100 m down the road, do a u turn and when you got back there the WHOLE SQUAD would have respawned! I GTA games the player runs around in large environments but ALL npc's, vehicles and destroyed objects are spawned in a bubble a round the player that is reset as soon as he leaves the immediate area, you would prefer this? The pop ups are purely there to tailor to the fact that not everybody has an identical uber pc, you have to have variables in games that allow the player to tinker and achieve reasonable frame rates, welcome to Pc gaming where you have options. -no realistic firearm behavior, even how with this netcode (how is it realistic that one player can take 2 mags full of bullets and still is alive? You have have got to be kidding right? It's ALPHA, they're still working on net code as you would know with ...Research, there're bound to be occasions when something doesn't go to plan but after playing Arma for years now I'd have to say that they achieve a lot with their net code despite people running the game sometimes with tens if not hundreds of unofficial mods, and the only time I'v ever seen this happen with my own eyes was in the mod and it was later shown to be a hacker. It has none of them , not one single of them! And its not in alpha its released since 2010 (see the : Dayz is only in development for 5 month" myth) No not 5 months not 3 years, around 12 months since they decided to rewrite the architecture of the game, you can refer to your wrong minded post as much as you like but it will still be wrong. Im not angry in the moment Why should you be? You didn't pay for the game, you haven't been following the developement since the mod first came out, you have next to zero time invested in this game, you just gave it a cursory go on a friends account, then hopped on to these forums, to complain. I have never said that i want all the things you said in the game, but i want a game which is on a technological level somehow in an area of the last 5 years. Then go and buy a game that has all that you want in it, personally I don't believe that your high requirements have been met yet by any game company and this is why you're hanging your hopes on games like Division which because they haven't been built yet have met no technical requirements for a game other than making a trailer look 'cool' (If you like that sort of thing). If i pay after release for a game 60 dollar than i want this game to have somewhat the same amount of features and engine-technologie than the other games which coast also 60 dollar. Orelse the game is just not worthy 60 dollars. Well then, how about you follow Dean Halls' advice and wait until the game reaches that price point, read the reviews, watch some gameplay footage, and then and ONLY then, decide whether you think it is worth your no doubt hard-earned cash. Minecraft was a great game, but would you have bought minecraft for 60 dollar ? You buy BI s or Activisions games and they are not even somewhere near of the 60 dollar quality mark. So you like minecraft, but you were capable of looking past its use of blocks to make everything? Is this why you want everything to be destructible so you can play dayz in minecraft mode? And who's asking you to pay 60 bucks for this game?, You can buy it for 30 right now and let it sit in your steam folder for 2 years if you want, or not, it's your choice to make, but you seem to have such unrealistic expectations of modern games that I would suggest that you don't. And than other companys like maxis with there sim city 2013 crap see that they can do the same, because you are a omnivore. And thats bad for the rest of us gamer which still have a willpower. Don't get your reference but I can tell you you now that plenty of us have plenty of willpower, rather than whining on about perceived problems, we post potential solutions, we reasonably discuss issues and some of us can see behind the trolling facade of individuals that post "WE WANT MOOAR" and realise that willpower, patience and a reasonable intellect are the last things on their mind, they just want MOOAR and they want it NOOOW. This here is only fun for me, dont expect me to be angry. As before why should you be Mr. zero investment. I think you'll find that no-one else here is angry either, but we do have the right to reply and it's genuinely amusing to see so much entitlement and fail in a thread, so thanks for that :) Im only here because i am interessted how the fanboys justify there entitlement. So you are justified in calling somebody a fanboy because they disagree with your ill researched and erroneous conclusions, Therefore I'm entitled to call you a Hater because you disagree with the people who are OK with the game, but really how does this advance the discussion? "You're a fanboy" "You're a Hater" "You're a fanboy" "You're a Hater" "You're a fanboy" "You're a Hater" Seriously, stop being so impatient, If you wait, the game will get better, you will get more mature, you may have time to do some research into game developement in general and learn to control yourself rather than spouting Fail on forums of games you don't like. Hell, If you wait long enough, computer tech' may get to the stage where we can all have full-body truly immersive games with infinite landscape fantastic physics and all the good stuff. My first console played pong and breakout and if you wanted to play in colour you had to stick a strip of coloured vinyl onto the CRT TV screen that you played on. And it was good. The first time I saw Space invaders was on holiday in France, before it got to the UK as far as I know. In arcades at that time a flight simulator was silhouettes of planes on wires with a backlight, so to ME I find modern gaming miraculous and don't feel 'entitled" at all.You on the other hand seem to be emitting waves of entitlement with every sentence you write.
  2. Lord Snapcase

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Personally I agree with everything DMZ_sniper said, couldn't have put it better myself, except about Dev transparancy, I have never known a developer be so involved with his potential customers, on this forum, on reddit and on twitter. Sad to say I'm old enough that I'd been playing games for years before Operation Flashpoint came out, at that time about the only shooters around were level based corridor shooters like doom, quake, hexen, heretic or if wanted military co-op you could play with three mates on Rainbow Six, (small linear levels, all of them). When OFP came out it was absolutely revolutionary, massive areas where you could walk to the mountains on the horizon and climb up them, they weren't just painted backdrops like every other game, and the multiplayer allowed many people to play together in many different ways. AND it came with an easy to use mission editor which is still amazing and yet to be beaten. And then if that wasn't enough, they opened their arms to the modding community and the mods kept that game alive. Even today you can find clans that still play OFP. With the the Arma games that followed they kept making the maps larger and improving the game and the modders kept modding. And now Dayz comes along and there are some youngsters out there that think that It's based on just another engine, but honestly even now, 13 years since OFP released what other engine even comes close? Skyrim perhaps? nope, Skyrim doesn't have the capability to fly jets or heli's across it's landscape and isn't that big really, it's just cleverly designed so that it seems large. maybe Planetside2? that has a huge map, and vehicles, but do any of them go as fast as an F16 in Arma? Nope because they get the size by hosting each part of the map on a different server, it's not one huge map per server like dayz instead its small levels stitched together so planes need to go slow to allow for server synching. Neither of the above which are the closest I can think of in map size to Arma or Dayz allow you to destroy buildings or fences (which Arma does). So in 13 years since OFP came out NO single developer has made a game with comparable size, physics, vehicles, ballistics, modabilty, or versatility as the real virtuality engine NO ONE. And Dayz shows its legacy even now. In OFP third person view was used to command your squad (yes, you could command a squad of 12 AI and with mods that could be extended to an army of 128!, oh and it also had a top-down command view) and nobody envisioned that 3pv would be a contentious issue in a zombie survival game :) So OP, you tell me, Is there a single game on the market right now that comes even close to having the capabilities of Arma or Dayz? 'cause I haven't seen one, not a single one. Bohemia Interactive always did kick ass, they still Kick ass, and they always will kick ass. they are the only developers I know of who's games are not only technically ground breaking when they release but also go on to improve for years afterwards thanks to their openness with their community. You can call me Fanboy if it makes you happy, but five years ago I bought Arma2 for £20, I played it most weekends and a lot of weeknights, probably around about 30- 40hrs a week for 250 weeks (ish), that comes in at around 7,500 hrs of excellent fun times for £25, I call that a bargain, how many hours you getting from 'The last of us' for your £40:). With Dayz there are people on these very forums that have spent hundreds of hours playing this game as a free mod, and I daresay that not many ever cared that they couldn't vandalize a door with an axe :) So maybe before going on a forum to throw your toys out of your pram, I would suggest that it may be a good idea to do some research and you may find out that the very things that you complain about are the sacrifices that have to be made when creating such an EXTRAORDINARY engine, which in 13 years has yet to acquire a single competitor in its class, (and many have tried, anybody remember that crappy codemasters game OFP dragon rising?).
  3. Lord Snapcase

    Why is my screen Gray?

    I read elsewhere on the forum that you can give yourself an IV with saline (but not blood), dunno if this is correct but it could be worth trying.
  4. None of the above for me:/ KOS is part of the game, after all many are affected by the rage virus ;) and honestly it would be a walking sim without it at the moment. Too much loot rather than lack of, best fun I ever had on the mod was when a bug stopped cans of food and drink spawning, people would help each other out (sometimes) and all the wildlife was getting hunted to extinction. More abilities would be nice, but we can already do more than before so I'm not complaining. Infected aren't OP (except for the long sight and running through walls :) ), I've never been downed in one hit but a fireaxe will put them down in one. We know hunger/thirst is a work in progress, and it would be nice if they slowed it down a little, but only if they reduced the spawn of sodas and cans, wouldn't food be the first thing people grabbed when the crap hit the fan? What I'd really like to see (eventually) would be a huge increase in the number of zeds, their behaviour tinkered with and loads more survival elements so that chenaurus would be a truly hostile place (lack of food, bad weather, toxic areas etc,) THEN I think KoS may lessen a bit (it'll never go way) and people might communicate more.
  5. Lord Snapcase

    Full Screen Windowed

    In the same file there's an entry Windowed=0, maybe if that's set to windowed=1 it might help, dunno, just guessing :) ps. If the value changes back to 0 when you restart the game I think you can force it to stay by enclosing it with speech marks eg: windowed="1" again, I haven't tried it but I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere in relation to the "maxframesahead" setting. thanks for the xmas beans, yum yum :)
  6. Lord Snapcase

    Change in game name

    I'm with the OP on this one but I agree it's probably not too high on their list of priorities.
  7. Lord Snapcase

    Full Screen Windowed

    In your config file (my documents/dayz) there are entries for winW,WinH and winDefW, winDefH, These are probably what you're looking for, haven't tried changing them myself but it could be worth a go, just change them to your native screen res and take a look. Good luck:)
  8. Lord Snapcase

    Items you want to see in the SA

    I want to incapacitate a threat rather than just killing them, so : Tazers (already mentioned by Rocket I believe). Rubber bullets (or bean-bag shotty) like the anti-riot cops use. anaesthetic dart pistol or/and rifle as used by animal control. hoop on a stick thingy as used by dog catchers, (could be used to move infected around, collect 'em maybe). ability to build man traps either the rope from tree type or maybe a net from above. When vehicles come in: spike strips ied's improvised tank traps. for fun: a water pistol. (although this could be nasty if filled with something caustic). a bicycle horn. (parp parp).
  9. Lord Snapcase

    My first game of DayZ

    Good read, beans incoming :)
  10. Lord Snapcase

    Why does everyone I run into kill me?

    All of the killers are infected with the rage virus.
  11. Lord Snapcase

    Remove 1st or 3rd person - thoughts?

    These all seem like great ideas to me, put 'em in the suggestions section.
  12. Lord Snapcase

    Ping 0 (Connection Problem)

    Have you ever connected? If not maybe your firewall is blocking you?
  13. Lord Snapcase

    Radio in the forest

    As far as we know, sooner or later the walkie talkies will become usable objects, you will be able to communicate with them and possibly listen to community made radio stations, maybe that big radio will become a broadcast station?
  14. Lord Snapcase

    Merry Christmas

    Havealuvvlyhuggyhappychrimbo :D
  15. Lord Snapcase

    Dayz Standalone Parody - Royals

    Brilliant!, beans incoming :)
  16. Lord Snapcase

    Questions on purchasing Arma for DayZ

    assume you're not interested in the standalone? If your friends migrate you'll have to spend again...
  17. Lord Snapcase

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    My first run I found nothing before dying from another player, but I wasn't alive long enough to worry about it. My second run (both in the dark) I ended up dying of thirst after accumulating a hoody, hunter pants, helmet, fire axe, 4 cans food, 3 of tuna, screwdriver, wrench .45 ammo, hiking boots, dallas mask and a gas canister. All from houses. I died from thirst but would have lived if wells had been working. Didn't bother me though because this is the second day of an early access alpha release (and it's only a game). ps. none of your points are invalid, just a little premature, oh and your discussion style of using words like 'ignorant, elitist, snob or fool' to describe others, only serves to make YOU sound immature, nobody else.
  18. Lord Snapcase

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    OP You may wish to edit the posts in which failed to use the word 'elitist' to describe anybody who doesn't share your opinion. Seriously though, If you are complaining that it is almost impossible to survive at the moment then you have a point, but we all know it's an alpha and they'll be making loads of changes yet, and you know this too so I suspect you're just venting. I have to say though that one of my fondest memories of playing the mod was when there was a bug that stopped ALL cans of beans and soda from spawning. Me and my brother were forced to find ponds to drink from, we had to carry three canteens a piece and walked miles looking for animals to hunt and eat, and it was FUN. When we met people there was not as much KOS, instead people would share rumours about animals and share locations of the nearest water source, people would band together purely because one may have had matches, another an axe etc. Personally I'd love to play THAT game again.
  19. Lord Snapcase


    Minimum requirements: windows Vista, anybody checked if it'll run on XP?
  20. And they server they are playing on is running Rev,113666+. Are those numbers somehow... significant??? :o
  21. Wedge a coin into the keyboard for autorun.
  22. This is what happens when he presses the go button... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0APF3SO9tqE#t=110
  23. ps. sound starts around 37 mins in.
  24. Oh, and you could also try flushing your browser cache.