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Everything posted by Gammbet

  1. Gammbet

    Actual game status

    Or when you can't pick items. Or when you drop and item near a tree the only way you can pick it back up is by chopping down the tree. Or and so on and so forth
  2. Gammbet

    Lunch Parameters

    Ok so I know its and old topic but anyways. I just wanted to know if the steam launch parameters still work. If so what would be the best -exthreads count for a i5- 4460. Thanks Guys.
  3. Gammbet

    Lunch Parameters

    If you are not gonna help then dont post bullshit in my topic, obviously I fucked up in the tittle...
  4. Gammbet

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Nice! Good job, keep up the hard and good work.
  5. Gammbet

    STANAG SD>M9SD Bulk Exchange

    sorry for my ignorance guys Im new here and I would to know in what server are you guys playing. Thx and good luck for everyone
  6. Gammbet

    No one replies on DayZ

    Awesome :) cool that it worked
  7. Gammbet

    No one replies on DayZ

    Hi, well you should probably go to this website http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and check the last version of the beta patch. Install it and that should solve your problem with the version.
  8. Gammbet

    Looking for a server

    http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma2/?query=dayz There you go.
  9. Awesome features, good luck with youre server :)
  10. +1 awesome mods and info
  11. Gammbet

    DayZero Thoughts

    +1 I just got the mod and I can't wait to give it a try, is good to hear good comments.