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Courier (DayZ)

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About Courier (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Courier (DayZ)

    Staing alive. But how "old" are you?

    Something like a month and a half was my lifespan, documented here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8275-the-gray-area/ I haven't played since I lost my first character. Waiting for something new or the standalone.
  2. Courier (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

    A lot of memories here. Still haven't played since: currently waiting for further development to spark my interest again.
  3. Courier (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

    It’s night. I hear gunfire in the distance. Familiar sounds within city limits: each shot tears through whatever hope I had left. There’s nothing, now. Been this way for a while. A chemlight is at my feet as I dig through my supplies. This has been a long time coming – I should’ve known it was going to come to this. I put my mind at ease when I realize I won’t have to wonder anymore, won’t have to think about it coming. Maybe I was wrong about it all along. We can control our destiny. That’s my last hope. I finish off a steak, drink. Discarding my backpack to the earth, I remove my DMR next. I think about the people I’ve shot with it. The history I’ve etched into it will go unknown and the next hands it falls into will continue to ink invisible pages no one can ever discover; another unsolved mystery left behind by a lost survivor. It’s dropped next to my backpack. My .45 is next. I look one last time at the equipment at my feet. Items I worked so hard to keep; tools of my survival. Murder weapons. Perhaps they’ll never be found. I pick up the chemlight and walk on. The beach is where it all began: that’s where I migrate next, carelessly gliding through the darkness just outside a dead city that is partially lit by flares, their colors reflecting off building walls and glimmering in the night. The shots I hear standing at the ocean are disconcerting as I move towards the city. Nothing I haven’t heard before. I can’t see much of the beach at this hour but I give it one last look – the same way I did when I started here, wondering where to go. I’ve known for a while now: from here it’s Chernogorsk. I light a flare and hold onto it as I travel into the city. The road is desolate; but I know I’m being watched. I can’t see in front of me: but I don’t need to. With that I’m gone – touring Chernogorsk one last final time writing the end of my story. Nothing is fair, I think, until you make it so. Hopefully, all the good I’ve done – and the bad – was for the better. The thought of someone benefiting from my actions… the idea of achieving selflessness, at some stage… that’s the gift of this, I think. That makes this worth it. When it finally comes to me, I hear it. No hourglass, no color: just darkness. And like that, it’s over.
  4. Courier (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  5. Courier (DayZ)

    REALISTIC suggestions - sickness, drugs and weapons

    So people are coughing now?! I feel as though my voice is heard.
  6. Courier (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    If this ever truly gets going, and has a semi-successful trial run, I'll be glad to donate a few things to get you guys started. Usually - provided I'm in good health - I carry an abundant amount of meat I'd be willing to give away. That being said, my presence can only be justified if I feel safe. It'll take a lot for me to migrate out from under my rock and all the way back southwest (I'm literally on the other side of the map) and I'm not poking my head out of anywhere if I think it's getting blown off. And I'm not saying by you guys. I'm saying for the handful of bandits who will be coming at your territory every 20 minutes.
  7. Courier (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You know, I always avoided the torrent files here because I thought they'd be slow, but that just downloaded at 5.5mbps. ... nice.
  8. Where are you specifically? PM me to keep it private if you'd like.
  9. Courier (DayZ)

    Anti-aircraft weapon

    He's right. A stinger missile at worst will disable a helicopter - which might be what you're looking for, but as certain altitudes landing a disabled helicopter with minimal damage isn't tough. That aside, an AA projectile has a much better chance of knocking out a tail rotor or just inflicting repairable damage. Stinger missiles would be more desirable on cars. They won't ANNIHILATE them like a javelin, but they'll destroy the wheels and engine block. Probably won't kill the occupants but force them to flee.
  10. Courier (DayZ)

    Why is this mod so popular among russians?

    Jeez, guys. Maybe it's because ARMA 2 is set in RUSSIA? Why did more people in Britain buy The Getaway more than anywhere else? The ARMA 2 server list has a huge presence where many of the domination games are geared towards Opfor vs. Blufor, not the other way around. They like PLAYING as Russians, too. Imagine that.
  11. Courier (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

    The buildings and narrow streets look picturesque for life but I can’t imagine it anymore. I can no longer see the sun kissed Chernarus of the past – I can’t hear ocean waves without thinking of the fog, I can’t imagine the flowing blades of grass without seeing the bodies in the soil. I’m never going back. None of us are. It gets worse when I want it to get better. Trust is a mutual thing; no one will give back if I don’t give. I can already feel my hope running out, my mind weak and my feet tired from the endless treks in circles. The things I find that are new – they’re no good. My own survival is turning against me. My equipment should be worn, spoiled with overuse. My DMR is no different from yours. They’re aesthetic clones; their fed the same ammunition and the ballistics are identical. But mine has a different history – I just don’t care about it anymore. My things I carry – my only company – serve one meaning: to kill. And that’s wearing thin. There was a man once at the airfield. I had an AK-47 and I shot him with it: I shot him over and over until he crawled away broken, frantically letting me know he was friendly as he crawled away into the barracks and died. Back then, I hadn’t come to terms with the world I put myself in. The regret wore down my shoulders. Now? I don’t care anymore. I’ll soon grow reckless. It’s who I used to be; we can’t lose all of ourselves out here. It’s the destructive side of me that wants to come out. The side that wants to lose. I don’t want to die. I need to. Is there anyone left out there?
  12. Courier (DayZ)

    Becoming attached to your character/loot

    Dan: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9885 There's my story so far. Tell me about it. Keep your head down. Helps people forget about you.
  13. Courier (DayZ)

    Anyone here from around Idaho?

    Can't trust another player unless he's within driving distance IRL, huh? "Steal my shit and I'll go over there and beat you up!"
  14. Courier (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

    Might've been. Did you guys all get killed? Or (gasp) disconnect? If so, it could have been. No need to apologize either way - it wasn't me you shot or my problem.