Hey everyone, I've been playing Dayz Epoch on one server regularly, but suddenly instead of getting the normal ping of 130ms, its jumped up to 1000ms moving down to 350ms every few seconds, I cant even connect, just says waiting for host. Every few tries I do get in, then get kicked after ten seconds or so for a bad signature. The odd thing is, there are other server showing up with pings below 60ms so I know its not my connection, I've validated files for, DayZ, DayZ Epoch and all editions of Arma 2. I have noticed that there is only one server in the green now when there was about ten a few days ago. Its only this one server I really want to play on, everything was fine for months then one day for no reason at all this happens. There was an update for DayZ epoch a few days ago about the same time this happened, but I didn't update and neither did the server. Please help this is really weird. Thanks in advance Happy