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Davy Von Beer

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About Davy Von Beer

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  1. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    thats good...lets say cig can steady your aim for sniping, u wanna snipe at night , but you risk that other sniper can see you :)
  2. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    :) the happy meter as you call it was the super first alfa rough version that just came to my mind, sure there are more effective way to do it than with hud...the depression symptoms are good idea, like you have giving up on living..so it could affect your gameplay..
  3. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    ok, it has beign said here that alot of things just dont grow there and yet they are in the game...and did you oversee the little thing that i mentioned about how a fresh steak can please you more than an old can of beans ??? As Chabowsky wrote, its about those small pleasures in the postapo world that you want to enjoy..maybe not for some extreme benefits but for the feel of the good old times or something like that...and you also oversee the thing about sleeping ? how that you can not sleep for days ? unreallistic...i mean those "kicks in ya arse" to wake you up would not have been bad...but i see that it would be hard to do, lilke when you sleep ur offline or what...
  4. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    yeah came to my mind too (STALKER....i just loved to listen to those "tramps" sitting around a fire and playing guitar :)
  5. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    well there could be implemented sleepy status, cause now you can be awake in the game for the whole time (days if you want) ..so if you are sleepy for example your aim could be off a little bit, or the screen could be blurry at the corners..something like that and eventually you would pass out from beign tired...and coffee (eventualy cigs too, cause they are supportive if you are tired...im smoker i know about it :) )
  6. Davy Von Beer

    HUD idea : Pleasure(satisfaction) indicator/bar

    well, in a good established camp you could grow theese things, i dont believe in the case of zombie apocalypse that there would not be any camp/small town able to grow/produce such things (for exchange with leather, meat, clean water..u name it ). but yeah i admit it would be rare...
  7. So im new here, and first thing i checked was if there will be drugs in the game (more like legal drugs, cigs and so) i found out a lot of ppl would like them, and would like to effect the gameplay and i also think so. So i was thinking that there could be a pleasure or satisfaction indicator in the game.It could be affected not only by drugs, but by the type of food you eat for example (i would be more happy about a steak than can of sardines ) or if you kill someone that is keeping you under constant fire (hard to calculate, but hey, its just suggestion :)) and depending on how the indicator is filled, there could be benefits.... PS: also, will there be coffee, that would be cool and logic ? (indicator of how tired you are ?? why not )
  8. I would grow it...tobacco too, and making my own alcohol :) Zombies,,,dont give a shit :D
  9. Davy Von Beer


    Mountain Dew is gonna kill ya sooner than cancer....yay yay yaaaay ..and about MD and stamina..cmon... :D
  10. Davy Von Beer

    alcool and food/drink like messages in SA

    Amen to that....who wouldnt like a glass of good homemade (could be implemented ? :P ) alcohol and some cigs (could be ingame) when exposed to such a stressfull enviroment ?? i would...every day could be your last so why not enjoy it a littlebit...