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Timberwolf (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Timberwolf (DayZ)

  1. As long as they have the rights to do it what is the problem here? If only Vilayer asked for the rights to use the map to the author we would not even be having this discussion. They just needed to ask.
  2. I can, as we speak, download dozens of ARMA mods, buy a hosting server, put all the mods in my server and make it public and there is ABSOLUTELY no problem with that. Why? Because it's private use. That's the aim off most free models, maps, mods, sounds, etc and what they are meant for. Now, if a company itself is using said mods for their own benefit without the author's consent it's a whole different story. And once again I don't see you defending your actions, I only see you trying to point other people wrongdoings as if that makes what Vilayer does right. With that post you just proved that you really don't grasp what we are talking about here.
  3. You are very good in putting words in people's mouths aren't you? How do you know I'm only mad at Vilayer? If there are some other cases like this feel free to create your topics with proof and I will gladly support it. That being said, you would be an hypocrite for accusing others of doing something that you support. And understand this one and for all, IT'S NOT VILAYER'S CONTENT! I don't give a shit if Vilayer is allowing it for free, IT'S NOT LEGAL! Pirates also put games out for free like Vilayer does to the maps but it's not legal because it's not they do not own the rights for it to start with. Commercial Purposes doesn't mean selling something directly. You are completely wrong.
  4. Damn. Maybe in the next blog update he will talk about it more extensively.
  5. Hello Josh, No one in here is blaming DayZ Commander or you as a person. It is a great tool and helps a lot of players. I personally do not use it but from what I've seen your software is advertising the company mentioned here and said company is making something that a lot of us find deplorable, which is taking advantage of someones free work without it's consent. Unfortunately, DayZ Commander is indirectly associated with it since being so popular it makes said company popular too despise it's methods. I just want you to understand this.
  6. Where did I said that? Two wrongs don't make a right. he can be killing babies for all I care, that doesn't make ViLayer actions right in any way.
  7. Nice propaganda. Also: Sure, for non-commercial purposes. And from the map creator: "It has come to my attention (tnx guys) that Vilayer dot com website is using my map content commercially. Guess they didn't read the file supplied with my island that states that "Any military or commercial use is strictly prohibited.""
  8. Oh, you just missed the probable most visited page of the website, the download page.
  9. No problem. It's called copyright. The map authors are not happy with the situation at all. Rocket doesn't have anything to do with the maps mentioned here and I am 100% sure he condones what's happening regarding this situation. Are you really that naive? Host 1 - Give what you should expect from a hosting company Host 2 - Gives what you should expect from a hosting company + extra awesome free maps!!11!! OMGZDZZ11!!! Who do you think will have more clients? Anything else?
  10. You have the reading comprehension of a cockroach. Did you even read what the OP wrote? He's not even talking about using others maps in DayZ. A company is taking the maps done by the ARMA community for free, changes them a little and then promotes them as part of their hosting service without the original author permission to either use or modify his work.
  11. That is not what I said at all buddy, it's the opposite actually. I think you should read my original post with a bit more care. There will always be safe places, the map is huge and also, trying to make some zones more prone to PvP or PvE is ridiculous. "I'm going to zone X because that's where everyone that wants to kill each other goes". Things will take it's natural course.
  12. Cool, I'm gonna get DayZ into some CDs and start selling it as mine! Since DayZ is free I can do anything I want with it! yay! Derpy derp
  13. Compared to the other features yes. It's also overlooked by the community in my opinion. Can you please link it to me? Does he go somewhat deep in the subject? Interested to read it/view it. :)
  14. What? The more the zombies and the more dangerous they are the more the game becomes "survival". And you will be able to do much more than just kill zombies, miss the part where rocket is adding tons of stuff to the standalone? I also don't want intelligent zombies, what's intelligent of hearing gunshots and heading that way? That happens in every zombie related media. Zombies as they are are just a minimal part of the game, I want them to become the bigger picture, that's it. I don't quite understand your point. EDIT: If you mean that you are "afraid" of zombies becoming overpowered I totally agree with you, there needs to be a balance so that it doesn't become impossible to survive zombies. No offense but you got somewhat low standards mate. It will still be a good improvement compared to the current zombies though.
  15. You got it spot on, a dream game. I hope I will see that game some day, I really do. DayZ is doing a good job so far. Regarding the rest, I would really like someone from the dev team to crush my dreams right here and say that such a complex system will only be possible in 5 years or something so that I can put my mind into rest on this subject.
  16. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Snowy Dayz concept art

    I think we will see this in the future. Rocket said he wanted multiple maps for the standalone and a snowy map, placed on Alaska or a remote Scandinavian location would be nice.
  17. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    We all know what soon means on "rocket time".
  18. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    You are wrong, that's not the problem with DayZ. The problem with DayZ is that the majority THINK they are stone cold emotionless badass psychopathic monsters with no remorse for betraying and cold blooded killing humans while in reality they get scared when they see a spider in their bedroom. Those type of players should be a huge minority if we intended to have a realistic DayZ "society" but the fact that it is a videogame with anonymous players makes it impossible.
  19. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Miscellaneous survival related items would be awesome in my opinion - Fishing lines, pen/pencil and paper/notebook (to write instructions on a notebook or pinning a paper somewhere with instructions or locations to other survivors), a whistle, a lighter, signal mirrors, Gerber style multitools, etc. Also, clothes and gear with different stats such as water proof clock (works in rain or inside water while a standard one can get damaged), a poncho giving bonus against some diseases while in rain (less likely to catch a cold) and a temperature bonus, high quality military grade boots giving some temperature bonus and stamina bonus to the wearer on hard terrain, different types of gloves, different layers of clothing, etc. Each item with certain characteristic for certain temperature/weather conditions. Wearing winter clothes on a hot day will give you some problems for example.
  20. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Greatest Ever DayZ Moment? (Chopper Takedown - AKM 2 Shots)

    One question: Why?
  21. WTT: M1911 and ammo for 4 packs of diapers (char got diarrhea lulz)
  22. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Is Rocket actually Bear Grylls?

    The difference is that Bear Grylls is hated in his area because he is a fake/poser and rocket is hated in the gaming industry because he is real.
  23. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Or shit goes wrong and we never see rocket or the DayZ standalone.
  24. Timberwolf (DayZ)

    Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care

    You can't be serious right? I mean, right? You are making yourself look like an enormous retard and very disrespectful to them and their families. You are basically saying that at least one of those guys earlier in their life decided to pursue a game developing career so that several years later he could have the one in a million chance to specifically work on a military simulator that takes place in a Greek island so that he can go there take some useless pictures of a place with absolutely no relevance on the geopolitical world scheme. All of that just to have an excuse that he did so because he was interested in the place regarding the military simulator he was working on. In top of all that you also assume that he made false friendships with rocket and other people as well as implying that any world government would need a spy "cold war style" to get information of that place. Keep going with your theories dude.