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About digital0

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  1. Hopefully someone can give me an answer. When does the sun start to go down so I can push servertime a little off that people have both daylight (18:00-23:00) and nighttime (from 23:00 onward)
  2. I wouldn't say the genre is getting old. Or no lets say I think while the zombie genre is what it is, it is the survival genre that is on the rise. That's the core gameplay, zombies/infected are just a very good vehicle to drive it forward. A DayZ style game in the universe of Metro or Stalker I would buy in an instant.
  3. digital0

    Anyone else agree?

    There's just a simple solid truth people need to accept: The game is not ready yet. Everyone always wants to participate with every step and direction and at some point forgets that it's not their game. It's rocket's game and that of his team. For them it's mostly about hard grunt work now. Some of you need to change your perspective a bit. This is now a commercial product. We all know DayZ so it's only understandable that Rocket doesn't want to show you updates that don't have something in it that is cool and exciting. Base work is maybe interesting for a coder but there's not much to look at until you put all the pieces together in the end.
  4. Great tool been using it now for a good while and it gets better with every update! You sir are a baws :) There's only one thing I'd like to see and I know it should be easy to implement. In the left tab have a Name Input and that name would get pasted every time you write in the chat. Say: Name: Modnamexy1 And in chat: [Modnamexy1]: Blabla blabla That way I could give the tool to my mods as well and they are clearly identified for everyone to read.
  5. Our Public Server is now switched to Thirsk map And we just introduced the Hunter System on our Passworded (and whitelist) Server. You get 5 human kills and then you're up on the map to be hunted by everyone with a delay of 5 minutes. Check the news on http://anyoneincherno.com/
  6. digital0

    Database Backup Tool[For Private Hives]

    Here's how I do it. I'm using forfiles.exe to check on backup files that are older than a day and delete them. Lets just assume I have forfiles.exe in C: and my backups in a folder called C:\backups and the mysql bin in C:\MySQL. Make sure that the username and password are written right next to -u or -p. For instance: -uroot -p1234 @echo off echo Delete older files... C:\forfiles.exe /p C:\backups\ /s /m *.sql /d -1 /c "cmd /c del @file" echo Running DB dump... C:\MySQL\bin\mysqldump -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD --result-file="C:\backups\backup.%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~7,2%%DATE:~4,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.sql" hivemind echo Done! In this case I named the database hivemind. Which I think is standard for most private hives. You can also play around with the Date settings. A file with that configuration will look like this for instance: backup.20121910_155145 Then put that into a .bat put it anywhere you want and use BEC's scheduler to go execute it. <job id="888"> <time>010000</time> <!-- run every 1 hour --> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>C:\Yourbackupbatch.bat</cmd> <cmdtype>1</cmdtype> </job> You can play around with the time of course.
  7. We updated the map and now our users can share their position on the map with their friends :)
  8. :) We updated to the newest patch.
  9. Yeah I'm restricting a lot of domains because we've had some troubles in the past with russian mail domains and that's why I restricted it to only the most known names. Use the contact form on the site or pm me here with your domain and I'll make sure to give you a pass :)
  10. Thank you guys :) We've now reached over 100 members :D
  11. At the beginning of this month I must say I was mostly very annoyed by the destructiveness of hacking. Teleporting vehicles to one spot and throwing some of them into the sea. That is something that requires a server restart and even with an hourly backup people that played in that timeframe will loose stuff. Or even worse I see it too late and events overlap. There was a time were I IP banned players, used 1-2 hours per night just making sure I get rid of them. But in the end, you are always on the short stick. It has gotten a lot better in recent weeks tough.
  12. Thanks ED-E ^^ Hope you enjoy your stay :)
  13. I love your name :D Thanks for the warm words.
  14. Hello Everyone! I'm the admin and hoster of our privates hives. We've been running stable now for a good two months and I invite all of you to come check us out. This is a project that aims at fusing the website and the server together. We have over 80 registered users and quite a fine community and we constantly work on new stuff for our players. Features Website: Server Statistics Personal Statistics Inventory Personal Map (inkl. Personal Map Markers & Friends on Map feature) Hunter System The Website: www.anyoneincherno.com ​ The Servers: Anyoneincherno.com [Public] IP: Port: 2603 VETERAN, GMT-8, CHF: OFF, 3DP: ON, Max Players: 50 Anyoneincherno.com [Registration Required] IP: Port: 2303 VETERAN, GMT-8, CHF: OFF, 3DP: ON, Max Players: 40 What's Cooking: Personal Account Backup & Restore Bounty Hunter Feature Trading Feature Personal Events Global Events