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    On the Coast
  1. We have changed and added new epoch features. The top post has been updated with our new and current features
  2. jmw1084@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    To be honest in reality rockets dev team has no right to set rules on servers they do not pay for if they want to set rules they NEED to pay for them and admin them, But because they can not afford to pay for that many servers and admins they let the public host them at there expense and at this point the admin/owner of the server has the financial right to host it as he sees fit. It comes down to the old rule of my house my rules. And in the end rockets team does not have the resources or financial ability to police every server. They can shut down a server for the abuse and the owner can go fire up a new server it isnt that hard, and they are back at it within 1 to 2 days. The best thing that rockets dev team can do to solve this is host the gameservers themselfs and supply 1-2 game admins that are on every server all day. then set up the number of servers to directly match the total possible player count and bring servers online as new games are purchased incase everyone is online at the same time, but downside to this route is they would have to create a fund for server maintance aka subscription time or microtransaction time. If i rented a server right now i would do as i please be it against the rules or not because its my server while i pay for it at which time if it was blacklisted i would get a new server rinse and repeat as i saw fit seeing as loot and gear is across all servers and no deployables or vehicles at this time to stop me, I have been hosting a dayz mod server for over 16 months straight and averaged 20-30 players for most of that time across 3 servers for a total of 60 people during peak times. this doesnt compete with higher end servers but i was in the top 250 servers on gametracker for all servers for a long time. all i can say is until bohemia steps up and host the servers themselfs or pays a company to host them and admin them then these servers paid for by third party and hosted by them will be abused because thats how most admins see it my money my rules. Now if you dont like it dont play on a server hosted by an individual.
  3. jmw1084@gmail.com

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    i use dayzcommander myself, or manual install. but i dont have arma on steam on another note is it me or is this release taking way more auth time then normal or is rocket just being more public about it. I have been hosting servers for almost a full year now and unless i just have memory loss which is possible seems like 1.8 is getting way more publicity and news time then most release versions. also am i the only one thinking what if 1.8 is standalone, do not get me wrong i know its most likely not and i know the chance of it being the standalone is like .0001% chance but still what is up with the release time. And only reason i say standalone in those sentences is because while tearing apart pbo's to see what changed verse i noticed alot of mpframework calls and loads in the files. which are not in and the fact the actual server mission was only 3kb and the rest was a bmrf loadscreen jpeg
  4. jmw1084@gmail.com

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    lmao, if only people could understand or comprehend the simple meaning behind PLANNED. One thing that amazes me in this day and age people start out <hey dev mind giving us a planned day of release.> <dev responds we have a planned idea of when it might be out, this release date is planned to be on or around the 16th> <then the 16th comes and people are like wtf dev lied he said it would be out. but in reality he said its planned and might be out.> so then you have developers releasing half completed glitchy shit..... people need to calm down shut up and learn patience/ i mean come on most you whiners out there sit at walmart the night of a midnight release in line waiting for 8 hours but a game that is possiblity of release not even guarantee of will yell scream kick spit hit slap and bitch out anything and anyone if the possiblity bypasses the suspected time that it might have been released at due to complications developers might not have foreseen
  5. I think a neat feature would be the ability to trap a vehicle,deployable with batteries. say 6 batteries applied with wire would create a 48 hour booby trap on the specified item first 2 people to access the loot would be killed unless disarmed with 65% kill rate during disarm if not owner. or use 10 batteries a wire and scrapmetal for a 96 hour trap with inability to disarm unless owner and 100% chance to kill first 4 survivors who try to steal from it I also believe we should have 5-6 times the civilian weapons, golf club to aluminum bats. ability to use things like a chair to defend yourself against zeds. give people the ability to climb trees with chance zombies loose interest after a long time ie 5-10 minutes but under 3 minutes they call more towards. i believe that all arma guns should be in game but require crafting them or at least part of them like say ability to find a burnt out tws but to repair it you require 1 nvg 1 gps a battery and soldering kit. same for guns the ability to find the trigger mechanism at army base the barrels butt the works. but you require a gun smithing kit to put them together plus a desk. make a desk a craftable item so too with right gear ie tookbox and plywood and logs. this would allow long term players the small chance to build high end loot but new players would be using civilian weapons. again when i say ability to build a gun im thinking a barrel for m16 or m4a1 would be .01% chance to spawn. firing mechanism, 0.001. firing pin 0.001 butt/stock 0.01 so on and so forth so it would take you weeks to build 1 gun if your lucky unlucky you would have to trade for it i think that we should get 4-5 times the variety of food 4-5 times the variety of animals. inclusive of poisonous snakes and spiders, put on wrong pair of shoes and get a bite from a black widow or brown reclous or whatever spider types that are local to the area. Wolfs bears added make hiding in woods for long periods more dangerous. i think that another great feature would be add in player control parachutes again for jumping from planes and heli's add parachutes to the loot table so if you jump without one<splat> i think dayz should have the ability to tow vehicles but require a winch that can only be found via loot spawn, or built then attached to vehicles and allow you to tow, or 1 or 2 tow trucks per map. my final idea i have would to add batteries to cars if the car sits too long battery goes dead and you have to use a generator to jump the car add in alternators and require them to be replaced every so often or starters add more parts to all vehicles so they are easier to repair but require more specialized parts like if you hit a zombie in a uaz or gaz it damages the quarter panel directly and if you hit it at excessive speed it could damage the frame and require extensive work that could only be done at specific spots on the map or a base and add the ability to craft or build a garage.
  6. jmw1084@gmail.com

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    The zombies are better then they were 12 months ago, they have some new bugs but whats new. rockets team has pushed this mod to its limits and they keep finding a way to stabilize it. So zombies have 10 foot arms at the moment, could be a anim glitch or it could be a pathing error but zombies due seem less twitchy and zig zag like. New infection is more realistic and it works better the antiseptic wipes are awsome. But i take my dayz mod with a grain of salt anymore. too many people play on recruit settings and whine when it gets difficult. you want to see a rabid zombie set ai precision and accuracy to 1 in the cfg and then turn ultra ai on and walk down a street in daylight. other than that and the fact too many people use crosshairs,map icons, and tracers on there servers. But those are my personal beliefs on this when i got arma 2 back in 2009 i started it up on max diff and never looked back so playing on other dayz servers is a bit alien for me due to the features that annoy me All i can say is in the end i would rather have more challenge because in this game end game is just wandering around killing stuff or seeing how many different ways you can kill things inclusive of your self and then how you might live when you get to that point of death.
  7. Introducing your fearless leader Drago-Ragoda. The proud owner and operater of these servers. any questions can be directed at us on our teamspeak at We run 2 epoch servers they are panthera and sauerland, they both use same changes and modifcations List of changes and modifications are below the epoch servers ip are as follows panthera - sauerland - below is a list of our scripts safe zones for primary trade cities self bloodbag towing/lifting and vehicle loading refuel repair rearm at gas pumps base building and crafting bind to playeruid not characterid building snapping no decay indestrucatable bases Multi character increased loot and loot spawns while driving we have ai missions no roaming ai customized gameplay If you like the servers and have a request ask us we will look into it if its possible or feasible and within reason we will add it. Our dayz server is run with the following scripts dayz - The server has several scripts including: Custom debug monitor Self Blood Bagging Siphoning Fuel Stripping Autoparts Towing and Lifting Vehicles Refueling at Gaspumps NPC Bandits, Soldiers, and Civilians Suicide No Voice over side-chat Drink directly from lake pond or well Zombie Repeller Tent Ignite Server also hosts 400+ Vehicles on the map including 90+ Aircraft. Server also has Custom buildings, towns, and camps. Cherno Medical and Industrial Kamenka Western Castle North West Airfield Military Camp in Stary Medical and Industrial added Zelenogorsk Refueling on all Docks North East Airfield Balota Airfield We are a small community looking for more players. http://www.thekillingstreets.com/ http://www.thekillin.../Killer_Forums/ http://www.thekillin...om/contact.aspx